Chapter 14.

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After the huge stunt that he pulled, I stand up to leave. I could not bear sitting here any longer.

"Excuse me, guys. I have to go." I hear him say beside me. Our other counterparts roar with laughter and cheer him on.

I quicken my pace as I make my way into the house.

"Bukola!" His voice calls out but I don't answer him.

"Bukky!" He says again. I am too angry and at the same time, embarrassed, to answer.

"I am talking to you." I am spinned around sharply that I collide with his chest and have to hold him for support for a split second before pushing him off.

"Aminu, are you tired of embarrassing me in front of my friends?" I ask him. A look of amusement is entwined in his eyes when I finally raise my eyes to him.

"I don't think this is the right place to have this talk." By this time, I am shivering from the cold.

"I'm not the one who stopped me here." A hiss follows after and I rub my arms using my palm, in a bid to provide some sort of warmth from friction.

"Here." He places the material of the Kimono above me.

"Let's talk in the room?" Aminu asks and I nod my head. Not waiting for any response, I turn and make my way to the room.

The moment the door slams shut behind us, he shoots glares at me. I am the one supposed to be angry or anything of that sort. Not him.

"You are the one who talks about putting up a perfect act in front of your friends, Bukola." The scary thing about him right now is the fact that despite his annoyed face, he is talking very calm.

"Yet, you run off at just a mere dare." He continues.

"Aminu, you did a little bit more than the dare stated. You had them cheering you on. And you had that stupid look on your face. You enjoyed embarrassing me."

"I don't understand this, Bukola. You expected me to reject the dare and raise suspicions?"

"No. I expected you to behave. Well, your bullet proof brain does not understand the concept behind behaving, Aminu. I am not surprised." I state, ending my statement with a shrug.

"Except..." That his annoying smirk starts dancing on his lips again.

"Look, just leave me alone."

"Except you enjoyed it. And want more, that you are in denial."

"Keep hyping up yourself. It soothes the ego." I lash back. We are careful not to raise our voices so the others don't hear us.

Aminu starts walking towards me, that dangerous glint in his eyes again. Something switched in him, and I could see it.

I start taking steps backward too, holding his gaze like it caught me in a trance. Thankful for common senss, I quickly turn and walk fast to grab some of my supplies when his hand catches me.

"Where do you think you are going?" His voice whispers in my ears.

"Just leave me alone." My voice comes out low, matching his own tempo.

"Are you really sure I should?" He asks me. We are in the room, just the both of us. Why then is he trying to hit on me? It's not like we have anybody to prove anything to at this moment.

"Yes, please. Leave me alone." After my declaration, he lessens his hold around me and I take that chance to free myself from his hold before quickly grabbing my supplies then head to the bathroom, securely locking the door.

LIVING HER LIE  |A Nigerian Romance|Where stories live. Discover now