Chapter 32.

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"The fact that I got pregnant at a very young age messed with my system." I add, swallowing air. He still has not spoken a word.

I slowly start peeling off my body from his, but he holds me back in place.

"Not so fast, wifey." He utters and I stare at him with conflicted emotions. I am useless to any man in his right senses; it is one of the reasons I was still single till Aminu came into my life.

"I need to go." With a shattering pain in my chest, I voice out.

"Let's get divorced." He finally states, looking into my eyes.

Tears start to form as I feel a rush of pity all through me. A man who just confessed to love me. Now he wants us to get separated from me because I am of no use to him.

"Okay." I quietly respond.

"Oh, really? You won't fight for us?" He asks me with an accusing tone.

"I am useless to you, Aminu. Even if it will break my heart, I don't mind giving you a divorce so you can marry someone who can bear children for you. It is the least I can do. After all, I am damaged goods." He lets out a sarcastic laugh, looking up and muttering profanities. His eyes finally meet with mine again.

"Does it look like I am bothered with the fact that you cannot have kids?" He asks, making me more confused.

"But your reaction..." He cuts me short.

"Yes, I was caught off guard. I admit I was shocked but I am not bothered, wifey." He says.

"Then why are you asking for a divorce?"

"To do right by you. I want us to do this whole thing the right way. Get married the right way, build a home the right way." He points out

"You are still talking building a home when I can't have kids." I point out.

"Wifey, there is adoption. Who says we can't adopt children? Also, it is not like your eggs are damaged; we could get a surrogate. There is even IVF. We have so many options, babe." Tears form in my eyes at how thoughtful he is being right now.

"Do you how your words make me feel?" I say in a low voice.

"Shh... wifey, I love you, and I will not  leave you for that reason. All that matters is you being here, alive. Now that we are clear on that, give me a moment, I'll be back." He chuckles and gives me a kiss on the lips. He has been doing that these days, more often than I could keep track.

After my friends, their husbands, Sammy and Lolu with their partners leave the next morning after breakfast, Jide, Daddy, Aminu and I are all seated by the patio. Aminu is here to give me moral support. This conversation, no matter how we prolong it, has to happen.

"Jide." My dad calls him.

"Yes, sir."

"We are sorry for keeping something as huge as that from you. Your mother's life has not been an easy ride. Countless times, she has tried to tell you the truth, I was the one who insisted she gave it time." Dad sighs before he continues. Meanwhile, Aminu is gently stroking my right arm with his fingers. He has a neutral facial expression which makes it difficult to figure out his thoughts at this very moment.

"Sir, I have given it a long thought and I forgive my mother. It is going to be hard to forge ahead, but I am willing to give it a try." He says, locking gazes with me. I let out a shaky breath while tears glimmer in my eyes.

"Thank you." He nods.

"You have done the right thing, son. Will you forgive me too for being a part of it from the onset?" Dad chuckles nervously, watching my son.

"All is forgiven, Sir." I am glad that this is out of the way and sorted out.

"I won't push to know who my father is; when you are comfortable with dispersing that particular information, please let me know, mom." Something hooks in my throat since he just addressed me as his mom, without distaste this time.

Daddy later returns home and Jide follows him while Adunni goes back to her parent's house.

It has been three weeks since I got discharged and Aminu has been nothing but sweet. Currently, he is helping me chop onions for the sauce I want to prepare. I gave Madam Christie the month off with pay, of course. This is for all the hard work she has been doing for us. The other two helps started their own two weeks break this week. So, Aminu and I are the only people occupying this big house. Sometimes I have Farida and Tee's kids over so I can babysit them since they are on holiday and their parents sometimes need alone time.

"This thing is hurting my eyes." Aminu hisses, wiping the back of his palm over his eyes. I quietly chuckle while watching him struggle.


"As if you are not having a field day at the sight." He hisses and I burst into full blown laughter.

"It is a very amusing sight, Aminu."

"Tell me sorry." He insists, now squinting his eyes in my direction.

"See this man oh. You are 34, asking for sorry like a baby." I point out. He tries to roll his eye balls but fail at it.

"Just tell me sorry." He huffs and I giggle.

"Sorry." I finally say.

"Chew gum while you are at it, it will hurt less." I say to him. It's what my mother used to tell me, but I had coconut head. Instead, I saw every onion chopping time as an opportunity to cleanse my eyes.

"Wifey, that shit does not work." He snickers, making me laugh. I am enjoying every bit of this.

"So when are you travelling?" He asks in a low voice.

"Next weekend." I respond. The oil is already set, I thrown in some garlic, thyme, bouillon cubes before adding the onions.

"I will miss you." He pouts and I surprise him by tugging at the bottom of his lips before dropping a kiss.

"Me too." I linger a little before the reality of us cooking sets in so I quickly move to put in the sausage and then add the diced tomato and grated pepper.

"Do you really need to go?" He asks me.

"Aminu, we have spoken about this." I say in a warning tone.

"I know, I know. Sorry." He lifts up his hands in mock surrender and I giggle.

Breakfast was eaten in silence, with my mind wandering to different thoughts.

The same week that I got discharged, Aminu, true to his word, had provided us with divorce papers. I was hesitant to sign it but he persuaded me to and I eventually did. He then asked me to be his girlfriend and I agreed. At age 34, we are still doing boyfriend, girlfriend. It is hilarious, but I understand his intentions.

We have been working in our relationship and so far, I like where we are at. Also, we are very intentional about communication as it is one of the bedrocks in ensuring an enjoyable and long lasting relationship.

"I need to spoil you before you leave. Maybe it will change your mind." He says out the blue, giving me the best puppy dog eyes I have ever seen.

"Yinmu, let me see you try." I snicker and he just stares at me blankly.

"Is that a challenge, wifey?" He asks with raised brows.

"Ask anywhere, my middle name is competition, Aminu." I state, shaking my head. This man shoukd get ready to lose to me.

"Well, welcome to the day that name changes to loser." He sticks out his tongue playfully. Jeez, I love this man with all my heart.

"I love you."

"I love you too, babes. More than you can ever imagine."

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