Chapter 35.

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"Fuck!" Is the first thing I whisper when I'm met with the sight inside my room. Rose petals are scattered randomly on the perfectly laid sheets. Now it all made sense why she kept asking if I was at home.

"You didn't tell me she left Abuja." I query Lolu the instant he picks up my call.

"I'm sorry, boss. She made me not to." He answers. They were supposed to return today.

"Alright." I end the call and huff in annoyance. How do I even go about this whole thing without blowing my cover? Lord have mercy.

Several times, I try calling her but she does not pick. Frustrated, I throw the phone on the bed and watching it bounce. When did she arrive? I even forgot to ask Lolu about it.

Hopefully, Madam Christie can give a response on that. So I dial her instead.

"Good afternoon, Sir." She sounds surprised. There is hardly a reason to call her, so seeing my call will definitely bring about this effect.

"Good afternoon, Madam." I answer.

"Were you around when my wife came in?" They didn't need to know that we have been separated.

"Yes, Sir."

"When was that, please?"

"Two days ago." Shit. The two nights I decide not to come home and this happens.

"Okay, thank you. Bye." I quickly end the call and dial her again. It goes straight to voicemail. This woman must have blocked me.

I know she will be very angry now and I honestly have no other explanation for where I have been these two days, except the truth. The only problem here is the fact that the truth cannot be told now. Everything is just messed up when it's supposed to be a different situation entirely.

Honestly, I still blame Lolu for this. If only he had informed me of her early arrival.

After dialling Farida and Tamara, they confirmed that she is not at either of their houses. It leaves just one option available. So with all the speed I could gather, I rush out of the house to my car to turn on the ignition to drive to the one destination I think she could possibly be.

I slam the door shut immediately I turn off the car and step out of it. Walking briskly, I quickly find myself in front of the door. I take a minute to catch my hazy breath before I begin pounding on it.

"Bukunmi! I know you are in there." I say and there is no response.

"Please, you need to at least listen to what I have to say." I add. Still, no response. I could have accepted that she was not home, but the unmistakable sight of her car, parked at the lot gave it all away. Then again, she might have stepped out to a nearby place.

Convinced by my first line of reason, I keep banging on her door continuously calling for her. I am just about to give up and go sit in my car till she comes out or returns home when I hear the window slide. She is inside and does not want to let me in.

"Please, just hear me out." I plead. She finally lets me in.

"Where were you, Aminu?" She asks and I am short for words.

"I would only repeat this question once. Where were you? If you have nothing to say, get out of my house."

"I was with your dad last night. I had some things to discuss with him."

"The night before?"

"Err, I was at the club. I told you about that." My response comes out in a raspy tone.

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