Chapter 23.

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Exhausted. It's what describes the exact way I feel when I get home that night. Hell, it was even later than Aminu's arrival.

"Hey." I state in a low voice, watching the man who had surreptitiously crept his way inside my heart.

"What's up? Titi told me you went out." He spreads his arms apart and I let my guard down by first pulling off my wig from my hair to welcome his warm embrace.

Dispirited, I drag my feet to where he is and hug him, his hand immediately snaking to cover my frame, pulling me in.

"I am tired of everything, Aminu." The loud sigh that escapes my lips is enough to tell how dampened my mood is.

"You know you can tell me whatever it is that is bothering you." He states with a shrug.

"How? When I hardly even know stuff about you." I point out.

"Fair enough, but you have to stop fighting it, Bukola. We will grow in this together. To do that, we need to put in the efforts. It's what I have been trying to do, but you just don't seem to want it." When he pulls us apart to look into my eyes, I could swear it looked like he was making a vow to me. My heart aches at his declaration. While his hand gently strokes my back, I snuggle deeper into his embrace. It's so comfy.

Suddenly, he sweeps me off my feet. His scent; it's like I'm floating on clouded skies. He sits down and places me on his laps, my front frame facing him.

"So, tell me. What are you tired of?" He asks.

"Everything." I tell him.

"We have all evening." He points out and I heave a sigh. The man wants to actually listen to my problems. Damn, girl, what have you done?

"The most important reason I got married to you. Aminu, in as much as I didn't want my friends knowing of my status as a stripper, the main reason I agreed to marry you was because you had found out about Jide."

"I got pregnant at 15, which was a very young age. Being a child that grew up in the Barracks, I was very carefree. I won't say I didn't know what I was doing, even though I was underage. He was 21 at that time and honestly, the love of my life. Or so I thought." I let out a sigh before taking a peek at his hardened face. He makes a gesture, urging me to go on.

"So, when I got pregnant, he flipped. He did not like using protection and expected me to take the pills instead. It messed with my whole system but because of my love for him, I kept enduring. I was wild; his parents were rich and I already saw myself getting married to him. Then one day, I missed my period. I was so sure of the sure of pills I was taking. So, imagine my shock when it happened." I let out a loud sigh, reliving those days like it just happened.

"Are you sure you can continue this?" Concern laces his voice.

"Yes, Aminu. Please, I need to." I want to get it off my chest.

"His father was a Major General and mine had not even gotten far in the Military. He was just starting to enjoy a few benefits of being an officer. The family could not stomach the fact that their son had put another man's child in a family way."

"So when they brought in a sum of 5 million Naira suggesting abortion and silence, my dad took it. I was so scared, but he told me not to worry. Daddy promised to keep me safe and keep me safe he did."

"Throughout the period of my pregnancy, I was in a convent, hiding from the world. I missed out on two years of school, healing and getting balance. After I had given birth, daddy left the army and we moved to another part of town. Seeing as we moved to a new environment with a baby, most people assumed him to be my mom's son. I was happy because where do I start explaining myself from?" My lips tremble while I say this. While Aminu listens, he continues to gently stroke my back.

LIVING HER LIE  |A Nigerian Romance|Where stories live. Discover now