Chapter 26.

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Bukola was nervous. I was too. Jide is coming over today and honestly, it's a little dreadful, thinking about a possible outcome from the reveal that's about to happen but I had to stay strong for her. She decided to do it without the knowledge of her mother.

I have come to understand that she is very close to her father so I was not surprised when he called me to personally thank me. Even though I found it totally unneccessary, he explained that a lot of men would not even spare her a second glance after finding out about her son. If only he knew the grounds on whuch our marriage was built. Not disputing that, but I made it clear to him that I am not a lot of men.

Bukola is currently pacing back and forth the sitting room. According to Mark; my second driver, he has been able to locate Jide at the airport and they are already on their way here. Seeing the distance from the Mainland to the Island, that might take a couple of hours. Throw in Lagos traffic.

"Bukola." I call her name and she immediately halts in her steps, dread evident in her eyes.

"You know pacing and continuously thinking about it won't change how he absorbs what you are about to reveal to him." I state, matter of factly.

"They are on their way here, Aminu."

"More reason why you should sit and stay calm. Should I get you water?" I ask her.

"Please, do." I proceed to the kitchen to pick a bottle from the refrigerator. She is still standing when I return so I just drag her, amidst her protest, to sit with me.

"Thank you." She whispers beside me and I nod, watching her silently chug down almost half the bottle's content.

To calm her nerves a little, I suggest we play a game of cards and she agrees.

"Aminu, you definitely did not just cheat me." She exclaims, dropping the remaining stack of her cards on the chair. She lunges for me, trying to retrieve the cards I hid under my legs. It's something I did on purpose, though. Seeing as wifey here is a very competitive person, I knew she would call me out on it. I needed to distract her.

"Do you have proof that I cheated?" I challenge her with raised brows.

"All I need to do is to find a way to move this big leg of yours." She pants, struggling with it. I burst into laughter just watching her.

"What is funny?" She pouts.

"You, and what you're doing right now." She swats my hand and glares at me.

"Don't you dare take a peek at my cards, you cheat." I continue laughing at her seriousness. It's just a game, wifey.

"Accept your defeat." I taunt her.

"You know you are just a cheat. Which defeat?" She rolls her eyes, still struggling with my leg.

"Aminu nau, just lift this thigh." She pleads and I shake my head no.

"How do you think I would willingly give up evidence against me?" I ask her and she huffs in her seat, wrapping her arms across her chest in annoyance.

"I don't like playing this game with you."

"Whatever." I wince when her hand comes in contact with my arm.

"Bukola." I warn.

"Aminu." She mimics.

"Bukola." I call again, playfully as a full grin is plastered on my lips.

"Meeni." She teases.

"Oh. You know there is nothing mini about me, wifey." Throwing caution to the wind, I place my feet on the floor, revealing the cards it initially helped my thigh conceal.

LIVING HER LIE  |A Nigerian Romance|Where stories live. Discover now