Episode 1

997 13 3

The world changed when an event happened that changed everything. The First Light is what they call it. Radianite was discovered by scientists from Kingdom Corporation. An organization was formed to gather all, and they are called... Valorant Protocol.


Someone with a white jacket rolls on the gun fires and hides behind a box.

He tsked, "They trapped us!".

"Whining won't help us protect this place, Phoenix!" A woman with a black mask said.

Phoenix peeks to fire back, but multiple bullets came and he runs away from the box to hide behind a wall. He breathes in and out, "C'MON, LET'S GO!".

He marks his current location to come out with white outlines on his body with flames, but gets hit by a bullet in the head. He dissipates back to his place and tsked.

Someone laughed at him and he looks at the Japanese boy with blue jacket.

"What was that?!" He jokes.

"Oh, come on! Give me a break! They got a freakin' Odin for a gun!" Phoenix said.

"Yeah. Yeah." He starts shooting back and takes cover.

"Viper, What's your status?"

Viper's brace gets a call.

"Too much to handle. All are charging in." Viper explains and ends the call to fire back.

"HEY, YORU! DO SOMETHING, YEAH?!" Phoenix said.

"Don't worry." He places a teleporter beside him, and picks up his mask and wears it.

"I'LL HANDLE THIS!" Yoru enters the dimensional rift as he charges in towards the enemy.

'All 5 are here... This is a pain... One with an Operator on that window, four charging in...' Yoru thought and passes them all. As he was running, he passes someone flanking. He smirks as he recognizes the person. He teleports back and takes cover.

"What's the status?!" A German girl with yellow jacket asked.

"I was wondering where he went. Don't worry, Killjoy. He got this." Yoru smirks as Killjoy realizes and smiles before her bot got destroyed.

"Turret down!" She said.


The person with an Operator waits for a moment to shoot. He heard footsteps and turns around with his pistol, but no one was there.

He turns around and saw someone pointing a silencer at his face.

"Hello there." He pulls the trigger as he killed the person.

"Breach breached, ha." He puns and throws his hat.

"Where is everyone hiding?" He questions and got the information. "Well then, shall we do this?".

He jumps over the window and runs as the enemies were alert. A Killjoy Clone and Viper Clone fires back as the man throws his Cyber Cage and activates it.

Viper and Killjoy clones went through to get tripped inside. They were surprised by the Trapwire before they get dazed.

He appears after the Cyber Cage deactivates, "Careful now.".

He shot the the Viper Clone, "Poison's gone.". He later shot the Killjoy Clone, "3 out of 5.".

He takes cover from the one with an Odin and gets hit and grunts.

"That's gonna hurt... Surprising that a healer can be so violent." He brings out his Spy Cam and places it. He tags the person before it gets destroyed.

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