Episode 19

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With Izuku and the rest

Sova sneers and points his gun at the person.

"Explain why you want to interfere, Harbor."

"Sova! Good to see you!" Harbor laughs as Sova glares.

"Tell us...or we shoot. Your choice." Kay/O threatens.

"Be careful not to step on my fire, bruv." Phoenix smirks.

Harbor laughs, "That's funny, Phoenix. Well, anyways, I heard a little information about this crystal you all want to have, so I wanted to join in.".

"I doubt your assistance." Omen spoke.

"You don't have to trust me. I'm getting paid." Harbor said as they were confused.

"By Brimstone?" Killjoy asked as Harbor shakes his head.

"Good guess. Wrong answer."

"Look, Harbor. You either tell us who sent you or we will use necessary force to make you spill out the Intel." Killjoy with her bot out.

"Wow! Scary for an engineer. All right, I will tell you... I'm getting paid...by the mole." Harbor smiles while the others were shocked.

"The mole sent you?!" Killjoy questions.

'He has connections... We need to put an end to this madness...' Sova thought.

"How much?!" Kay/O clicks his rifle, threatening Harbor.

"It doesn't matter at this point. I'm getting paid." Harbor said as Izuku smirks.

"I guess he does have a big bank account." Izuku said as Harbor looks at him.

"Oh? You know who I'm talking about? Well, it's expected from the world's No. 1 hacker." Harbor compliments him as Izuku chuckles.

"Not the best, just a basic skill."

"I see... Well, then-" Harbor dodges a bullet from Sova. "Easy there, Sova!". He laughs.

Sova tsked.


They start shooting.

"Water Rising!" Harbor summons High Tide to make a wall.

"Shield going out." He throws a Cove as they strategize a plan inside.

"We need to separate them." Harbor said as they both nod.

"Cypher, you go. We'll take care of the others. Going A!" Omen teleports.

"You take B Site. I'll go Mid. Go!" Harbor said as Izuku starts running. Harbor starts running as well and taunts the others.

"What's wrong?! That's all you got?!" Harbor laughs as Kay/O and Phoenix follows him.

"Let's do this, Team Forge!" Phoenix throws his fire as Harbor blocks it with water.

"Nice try!" Harbor continues to run.

"We split up! Jett, take Killjoy. Raze, with me!" Sova said as they separate. Sova and Raze went to A Site while Jett and Killjoy went to B Site.

With the Rogue Company vs the Heroes

"SHOTO!" Touya shouts while bursting his fire out as Shoto covers it with ice.

"Tch. He's more deadly than ever." Shoto mutters.

"Do not forget about me, Shoto-kun." He heard a voice and blocks the cane attack from Atsuhiro.

"Mr. Compress!" Shoto ignites his fire as Atsuhiro jumps back.

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