Episode 43

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Valorant Protocol HQ (Nighttime)

The Rogue Company are in the guests room with Neon guiding them.

"Thank you for guiding our rooms, Neon." Shuichi thanks her.

"It's the least I could do since I was one of you guys for a moment." Neon chuckles.

"What do you mean?" Touya questions.

"Eh?" Neon was confused.

"It might be only one fight you attended, that doesn't mean you're out of the group." Atsuhiro said.

"She's right." Eri smiles as Neon is honored.

"Touching." Aoyama giggles

"Where's Izuku-kun?" Tooru asked while sitting on one of the beds.

"Training room." Yoru appears behind them. "And I tell you...you don't wanna get near him.".

"Why is that?" Neon asked.

"If you want to know, ask him later after he's done." Yoru said.

"When will he ever be done?" Touya lays down on his bed.

"Does he take too long to use it? Never heard of Cypher getting up all...athletic for training. He's more of a...uhm...chess and smart guy. Like studies tactics of something." Phoenix enters.

"You knew what happened back in Russia, right?" Touya smirks.

Phoenix scoffs as Yoru smirks.

"Anyways, let him be." Yoru said. "He just lost a friend...".

Training Room

Brimstone and Kay/O were watching Cypher demolish the place like nothing. Robot parts everywhere, cracks on the walls, and heavy breathing from Izuku.

"How long has he been like this?" Brimstone asked.

"An hour after our meeting, he's been doing some exercise." Kay/O said.

"What's the reason?" Brimstone asked.

Kay/O looks down, "Red Riot was a friend of his...".

Brimstone looks at Kay/O and looks back at Cypher through the window.

"Never saw him go berserk..." Brimstone said.

"I felt his aura before, but never this side of him." Kay/O said. "He's strong, but didn't expect him to be insanely strong.".

"He's one mysterious being that we don't know about. Is he really a human or something else?" Brimstone asked.

"For now, our mission comes first." Kay/O said as Brimstone nods before they both turn to the sound of the door open. "Hagakure, what brings you here?".

"I heard Cypher was here..." Tooru watches through the glass to see Izuku all worn out. "No way...".

"I know you are worried about your friend, but..." Brimstone pats her shoulder, "Give him some time alone."

Izuku enters the common area after finishing what he destroyed.

"You done?" Kay/O asked.

Izuku nods, "I'm going for a drink.".

"Cypher-" Tooru gets cut off as Izuku speaks.

"I'm fine. Just...need to get something out of my head." Izuku exits.

"He's not fine at all." Kay/O said.

"Give him time." Brimstone said while Tooru was worried.

With Izuku in the kitchen

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