Episode 6

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After a 3 hours, they arrived in France.

"Woah... Would you look at that? Looks peaceful." Yoru said.

"Not really. Kingdom is still causing a lot of destruction in any city. But not critical, which is good." Chamber said.

"All right. Where to?" Izuku asked.

"Saint-Etienne. It will take another hour." Chamber said.

"I wanna visit Paris! The City of Love!" Tooru said joyfully.

"So, tu es amoureseuse de Cypher?" Chamber smugly smiles.

"Eh? What do you mean, Chamber-kun?" Tooru questions.

Chamber laughs, "Nothing.".

Yoru looks at him and tries to think.

"Don't even try to think about it, Yoru. Your brain will hurt." Chamber said.

"It sounded suspicious." Yoru thinks.

"Stop thinking, Riftwalker, and focus on flying the ship." Omen said with Touya beside him.

"Yeah, Co-pilot Yoru." Touya jokes.

"Urusai, Oji-san." Yoru talks back as Touya ticks.

"Why are you helping us, Chamber? It's very questionable that you of all people would help us." Omen said.

"Nothing personal. Just trying to pay someone back..." Chamber's voice was odd when he said that.

"What's wrong?" Tooru asked.

"Nothing that you should worry about. In the meantime, you should rest, my friends! We still have an hour until we arrive in Saint-Etienne." Chamber said.

"Well, he does have a point. I should rest as well. I'm injured." Izuku said and sits down to close his eyes. Tooru then sits down beside him and holds his injury. "What's wrong, Hagakure?".

"Nothing. Just wanted to check on you. Was worried because you got yourself shot again." Tooru said as Izuku chuckles.

"Just like old times, huh?" Izuku said as Tooru nods and lays her head on his shoulder. Izuku looks at Chamber, "You're in, by the way.".

Chamber glances and smiles, "You have good taste, my friend.". He then turns around as he suddenly frowns at the memory, 'I'm sorry...'.



"It was an order, Cypher! I didn't know!"


Flashback Ends

Chamber sighs and continues to focus on piloting the ship.

1 hour later

They arrived in Saint-Etienne as Chamber landed the ship behind a mansion.

"Woah... Another rich house. Sweet." Touya looks at it.

"Not really. Only a couple of millions." Chamber brags.

"HUH?!" Touya and Tooru were surprised.

"He said that like it's nothing..." Tooru mutters.

"Anyway, we should stay inside for now. We don't know when the other Agents will find us." Omen said.

Izuku jumps down and looks around. Chamber approaches him and spoke, "Are you doing okay, my friend?".

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