Episode 37

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The Next Day

Izuku stands outside the Hammerhead and takes a deep breath from the air of the City of Flowers.

"You're up early..." He turns to the voice behind him and turns around to see Omen.

"Fresh start." Izuku said while glancing at the water.

"It's not like you to say things like this... Did something happen last night after your song?" Omen asked.

"Not really, why?" Izuku raises an eyebrow at Omen.

"Did something what you all call 'magical' happen?" Omen asked.

Izuku snorts, "Nothing like that happened, Omen." Izuku stated.

Omen groans, "Then, my assumption must be wrong.".

Izuku smiles and shifts his head to the temple, "We got company.".

"I know. What's your plan?" Omen asked.

"You and Chamber take your positions outside after waking everyone up." Izuku instructs Omen.

"And you?" Omen asked while grabbing his gun.

"I'll take B. I have a feeling someone is waiting for me there." Izuku narrows his eyes.

With Brimstone's team and the Heroes

They arrived at the temple and looked around for enemy targets.

"We should split up." Kirishima suggested.

"What are the teams?" Deadlock asked.

"Valorant and Heroes separate." Kirishima said.

"There are 3 sites in this area. It's not an equal team." Astra said.

"I'm going alone in the middle." Kirishima said.

"Don't do anything reckless, Red Riot!" Ashido said.

"She's right. What if all of them charge over there at once and you get overpowered?" Kaminari questions.

"They won't take the middle because I know one person who will. I'm gonna face him alone." Kirishima said.

"If you're here to avenge DynaMight, then you're not thinking straight." Brimstone starts, "We're here to take down Cypher. The objective comes first.".

"You can have him after I meet him." Kirishima said.

"While we're here, we need to split the teams and their areas. I say we handle A Site while the Heroes handle C Site." Fade suggested.

"Then let's get to it. In positions!" Brimstone commands as they move.

With the Rogue Company

Chamber reports to Izuku.

"Heroes are taking the C Site. Brimstone and his squad, on the other hand, are taking the A Site. What's your plan?"

"Then we split the groups. Heroes and Agents. We'll do the same."

Izuku ends the call and turns around to look at his team.

"Tooru, you'll take C Site with the LOV and Eri while the Agents from the Valorant Protocol take A Site." Izuku said.

"Who'll take B?" Yoru asked.

"I'll take it." Izuku answers.

"Can you handle them?" Skye asked.

"It'll probably be just one person." Izuku said.

"Alright. Be careful." Shuichi said.

"Let's move!" Reyna said as they ran.

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