Episode 14

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With Izuku

As he was running and hiding from the Mexican Heroes, he took a rest in an alley way.

"We need to get out of here...quick." Izuku said and grabbed the crystal from his pocket to look at it. "I need answers.".

With Yoru and Tooru

Sova stares at them with his arrow pointing at them while Raze readies a Grenade on her hand.

"This is bad..." Yoru heard the other three came back to corner him and Tooru.

"How do we fight back?" Tooru asked.

"You don't have to." Sova said and pulled the bow string, "You'll be dead if you even try to resist.".

Moments later, a Leer blinds their sight as Jett starts shooting while Raze and Sova take cover.

"Friendly Fire!" Kay/O stops her after the Leer. They turn to see that Yoru and Tooru are gone.

"You almost killed me, Jett!" Raze complains.

"Sorry!" Jett apologizes.

"Reyna got them." Sova tsked.

"What now?" Killjoy asked.

"We go look for them. Same team. Move!" Sova said as they followed.

With the Rogue Company

Yoru and Tooru hid in an abandoned store with Omen and Reyna.

Tooru bows, "Arigato Gozaimazu!".

"No need." Omen waves. "More importantly, we need to reunite with the others.".

"Chamber and Dabi are together while Cypher is nowhere to be found. Chamber's trap did work a little, but it won't be long for them to find it." Yoru said.

"Why on earth would he destroy the Vulture?" Reyna questions.

"Sova read it like an open book. Which means, it wasn't convincing to his perspective. What we need to know is how we get to our location. It's already morning after dawn. We're wasting too much time." Omen said.

"Calm down, Omen. They'll find us. I know they will." Yoru said. Yoru proceeds to contact Chamber.

"Chamber. It's Yoru. Where the hell are you?"

"We're dealing with some business at the moment. We will report our status later on."

"Cypher hasn't come back yet. If you see him, contact us. Meet us at the location where our transport is hidden."

"Roger that."

The call ends.

Gunshots were fired as they took cover.

"Found you." They turn to see Sova with his team.

"Just our day." Reyna groans.

"What a reunion." Omen clicks his arsenal.

"They want to dance? Ha! I'll lead." Raze juggles her grenade.

"Woo! We got this." Jett hovers her knives.

"The dimensional fabric here is thin. I'll tear through." Yoru readies his mask.

"Deep breathes everyone. Your hearts are pounding." Reyna shows a Leer on her hand.

'Maybe she's talking about my heart...' Tooru thought while holding her chest.

"I'll get that spooky ghost boy!" Killjoy refers to Omen as Reyna glares at her.

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