Episode 9

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With Chamber

Chamber stops and leans against a wall as he hides. He brought out his communicator and calls someone.


"Cypher, it's me."

"Chamber?! Where are you?!"

"The streets. I hid myself from the outside."

"Tell me your location."

Chamber saw something reflecting. He realizes and dives to dodge a Tour De Force bullet, causing a panic to the area.

"Right now-!"

"Look, I can't tell you where I am, but I'll escape at this place somehow! Find the others and reunite with them!"

"*Sigh* Alright. Stay alive."

Chamber ends the call, "Heh. Stupid for him to assume that I'll die here."


He fires back and then runs to the back.

"You cannot escape me, Chamber. You're gonna pay for your sins." Omega Chamber teleports.

With Izuku

As he was running, he bumped into someone and fell.

"Oi, watch where you're- Senpai!" Izuku recognizes the voice and looks to see Yoru.

"Yoru! Thank goodness you're okay. But, why are you here?" Izuku asked.

"How the hell are you still alive from that fall?" Yoru questions and checks on him. He saw the cloth on his shoulder and asks, "Who did you deal with?".

"No one in particular. Just a little teamwork with the Russian." Izuku explains.

"Wait, so you teamed up with your rival, Sova, against...?" Yoru gestures Izuku to complete the sentence.

"An Omega version of him. We have no time to discuss what happened! Let's move!" Izuku starts running.

"O-OI! Matte!" Yoru follows.

Rogue Company vs the Heroes

Omen teleports behind Sato as Sato turns to punch him.

"COME GET SOME!" Sato flexes as him and Omen went to push one another. Touya playing with Shoji around as he throws flames while Shoji dodges and tries to attack. Tooru and Asui went head to head as the people ran away from the scene.

"Tooru-chan!" Asui grabs her wrist and tries to take her down, but Tooru stomps to stay still. "What's the real reason why you're helping the Rogue?! Kero!".

Tooru thinks, "That's...". She pushes her and flips to kick her. She spins kick two times and leg sweeps her, but Asui dodged that one and sticks herself on a wall.

"Do you know him?! Please, tell us!" Asui uses her tongue to capture her. "Please! Do not resist! Kero!". She jumps down and does her frog pose.

Tooru turns invisible and slithers her way out and hides.

Asui looks around, "Please tell me! You know him, right?! Tooru-chan!".

Tooru breathes as she hides behind a wall. 'I only knew it because I've been searching for him for a long time. You all forgot about him! That's why... There's no reason for you to know!'. Tooru turns visible and rolls to grab her Vandal and starts shooting. Asui jumps around and camouflages herself to sneak closer to her. As she gets closer, she reveals herself and takes her down.

Touya saw her and tries to help, but Shoji lands in front of him.

"Move it, Octopus." Touya demands.

"You're facing me, remember?" Shoji made more limbs to make a right fists.

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