Episode 23

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With Sova's team and the Heroes (Nighttime)

"Any sign of them, Jett?" Sova asked through the earpiece.

"Negative. We'll keep looking." Jett replies.

"No. You've done enough. Call Raze and meet us back up here. Let the Venice Heroes deal with it for now. They won't escape when there's patrol."

"I'll contact Raze. We'll be there."

The call ended.

"Any sign of them yet?" Kota asked.

"Still nothing. They might be hiding under their cloak." Sova said.

"What now?" Kota asked again.

"We wait until they show themselves. They cannot hide forever." Sova said.

Valorant Protocol HQ

Neon, Astra, and Skye were in the kitchen, looking for a midnight snack.

"Good thing we went for groceries the other day." Neon grabs a Snickers Bar on the fridge and closes it. Astra was eating Nachos while Skye drank a glass of milk.

"Ugh. My head hurts." Skye looked troubling.

"Why is that?" Astra asked before another bite.

"All of this fighting and all." Skye said as the two looked at her in confusion. Skye looks at them, "What?".

"It's hard to believe that you can be stressed out by that. I mean, hello, we're talking about you not wanting to fight." Astra said.

"Maybe you're pregnant." Neon said innocently.

"What?! That's obscured!" Skye said.

"I was kidding." Neon giggles.

"Ugh. I love to fight. It's just that...we're fighting our own teammates here. What if they were right and we're wrong, and vice versa?".

"You're worrying too much, fam! Enjoy your time here until you get called." Astra pats her shoulder.

"I guess so. I'm going to bed." Skye put the glass on the sink and left the kitchen.

With Killjoy

She's on her computer all day trying to crack the wall on the mole.

"Ugh. I should've let Cypher teach me how to enter these types of things." Killjoy massages her head.

"Calm down, princess. You won't get anything if you don't have enough rest." Fade just woke up from her nap.

"And I'm surprised you decided to come in and take a nap." Killjoy turns to her.

"The code is complicated. That's why I went here to watch you do it and struggle." Fade said.

"That's just mean." Killjoy pouts.

"Whatever you say. I'm taking another nap." Fade lays down.

"That's my bed, you know." Fade said.

"You sleep on your chair all the time. These sheets need to be used." Fade said before shutting her eyes.

With the Rogue Company

Yoru and Touya both sigh.

"What's wrong with you two?" Omen asked.

"We're hungry." They both said in frowned faces.

Someone knocked on the door and they opened it.

"Guess who sent us some food." Omen said while carrying a paper bag with Harbor and Atsuhiro.

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