Episode 40

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With the Rogue Company (Next Day Afternoon)

"We head to Tokyo tonight." Izuku said.

"What? I thought tomorrow is our flight to Tokyo? Why the sudden change?" Chamber asked.

"Why can't we just head to DynaMight's Agency and wage war there?" Touya asked.

"It's better if we advance. That way, we can prepare." Izuku said.

"I did some recon in Musutafu. I can say that the area where the Heroes are patrolling is 10 blocks away from this place." Stain said.

"Isn't that a little far?" Shuichi asked.

"You might be right, but they don't doubt that someone would still be living here since it's been abandoned for 20 years." Stain said.

"I get your point." Atsuhiro agrees.

"Then, what's the battle plan?" Shuichi asked.

"We confront them before separating them. That way, we can deal with them separately to cause minimal distractions." Izuku said.

"I call dibs on Shoto." Touya smirks.

"You always get him." Gekko chuckles.

"Since we don't know who our mole is, we can't be 100% sure who to fight and how to fight them if we separate them." Izuku said.

"The terrain is urban." Yoru said.

"And we entered that place multiple times, so we can say we have the advantage." Reyna said.

"What happens if we're done? Do we just go on to our separate ways?" Tooru asked.

"The Valorant Protocol will still return to HQ. Shuichi will return to Bhutan to run his restaurant. I don't know with Touya and Atsuhiro, though." Izuku said while rubbing his chin.

"What about us?" Eri asked as the room was silent.

"I guess we're all staying together. Logically speaking, we have bounties in our heads that bounty hunters can get." Omen explains.

"I guess you're right." Izuku said as Eri smiles.

"Guess I'll be staying with you forever this time, papa." She grins.

"Moving on, about Split, it's quite abandoned if you ask me. I heard that Kingdom just dropped it and moved to locate another Headquarters in Japan." Lady Nagant explains.

"Lucky for us, they won't get in the way." Stain said.

"Only us against the Heroes will be present tomorrow. Be ready. We leave after sunset." Izuku said as they follow.

Valorant Protocol HQ

Killjoy was in the portal room while Raze accompanied her.

"Come on, Killjoy! I'm not dead yet! Atleast talk to me." Raze pouts.

Killjoy smiles, "I'm busy. I'll be managing with you after my work.".

"What are you even doing, anyway?" Raze asked.

"The computer sensed a disturbance on the other side. It's quite strange..." Killjoy puts her thumb and index finger to rub her chin.

"What kind?" Raze asked.

"I'm not so sure as well. All I can say is that...something bad will happen in the following days. I'll report to Brimstone about this matter later. For now, let's grab lunch." Killjoy said as Raze grins.

Common Area

Phoenix exits the battle simulation and walks to his locker.

"You're quite busy after your recovery." Sova said while crossing his arms.

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