Chapter - 40 I'm afraid it won't be so easy this time.

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The two looked at each other in silence.

In the end, it was Lu Zhi who broke the deadlock first. His voice was difficult, like a glacier melting in spring: " that so?"

Ji Jin's lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything. The more he got to this kind of time, the calmer he seemed, as if he had pulled his consciousness out of himself, standing coldly on the periphery and examining the world.

Lu Zhi saw through the mask on Ji Jin's face, and wanted to knock on his door outside his closed heart. He knocked so persistently for such a long time, no matter how hard Ji Jin could not remain indifferent.

"I'm sad to see you with other people."

Ji Jin heard his flat voice, "I'm in pain, but compared to my own pain, I don't want to lose you."

Because I'm happy to see you , so the pain you caused me can be offset.

The little happiness you bring me is enough to offset ten times the pain you bring me.

I am dull and numb to emotions.

I am a cold person.

But I am still willing to choose to insert painful thorns into my heart, because at that time I was still expecting the thorns to bloom.

If one day, you let me down completely, then I can only turn my head and never look back.

Lu Zhi obviously didn't expect Ji Jin to really say that, and he just stayed where he was.

A burst of ecstasy surged into his heart almost instantly, he subconsciously touched his heart, feeling the soaring heartbeat there. He didn't know whether he should be happy that Ji Jin was finally willing to let go of his guard, or whether he should be happy that Ji Jin told him the psychology behind these words. He waited all these years, just wanting to hear Ji Jin tell himself this. He had used too many wrong methods, so when the right path opened up in front of him, Lu Zhi fell into uncontrollable joy.

Lu Zhi really wanted to hug Ji Jin at this time, and wanted to ask Ji Jin the question that day in the ward again.

Can you choose me again? We have all made a difference and we have a better future ahead.

But at this moment, Lu Zhi's cell phone rang suddenly at this moment.

Lu Zhi felt a little irritable and wanted to cut off the phone, but he didn't want Ji Jin to sit aside, so he just looked at him with a slight smile and motioned for him to answer.

At this point, the phone call has interrupted the atmosphere just now, obviously even if I don't answer it, I can't get back to just now. Lu Zhi felt a little depressed, so he had to answer the phone.

"What's the matter?"

"Oh, it's okay. I sent someone to send some seafood, and it's delivered now."

Lu Zhi hung up the phone, started the car and said, "Tonight's New Year's Eve dinner, let me show you something?"

Ji Jin She frowned: "Okay."

On the way back, Ji Jin closed his eyes.

Although he and Lu Zhi finally learned the ins and outs of the matter between Shi Ke and Lu Zhixi from Lu Yike, no matter what he said, Shi Ke had nothing to do with his younger brother, nor did he have anything to do with Wen Yunyun.

Things have come to a dead end again, but Ji Jin always seems to feel that she seems to have forgotten something.

It seemed that there was one thing in front of him, but both he and Lu Zhi subconsciously ignored it.

What is it?

Lu Zhi specifically asked Ji Jin if he wanted to ask Lu Yike. After all, the police had already transferred the case to the procuratorate, and it will be reviewed and prosecuted in the next year. If they want to meet again, they can only go to the procuratorate to apply.

Ji Jinzai thought about it again carefully, and after confirming that he really had nothing to ask from Lu Yike, he nodded to Lu Zhi.

"Then I'll start cooking."

Lu Zhi put on the apron again as before, and the relaxed voice made Ji Jin feel a little dazed.

It seems that he and Lu Zhi haven't spent the New Year like this for a long time.

Everything is put on hold for the time being.

Ji Jin thought, just like what Lu Zhi once said, seize the day, let's celebrate the New Year with the person in front of him now.


Wen Yunyun weakly opened her eyes, the dry air made her eyes hurt, and the clothes on her body were sticky and wet, she struggled a bit, and found that her hands and feet had been covered with tears tied up.

The memory froze in an instant, and Wen Yunyun looked around blankly and vigilantly, only to find that this was an extremely dilapidated wooden house with the door half-closed, and she was tied up and thrown on the firewood pile in this small house.

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