The Fall of Arlong Park

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Luffy, Ryuma, Sanji, and Yosaku were currently walking through a forested part of the island four about ten minutes now. Not too long ago Luffy turned the sky black and began raining down thunder and lightning as a way to let the others know that he was here on the island. At first, Sanji and Yosaku were okay with what he was doing, after all, they saw what he did during his fight with Don Kreig but they were immediately beginning to get scared when the thunder was so loud that the island itself shook, and lightning bolts were striking random parts of the island. After Luffy was done sending his signal to the others, the three of them began walking inland. Even though Luffy was finished giving the signal the thunderclouds were still present in the sky with lightning flashing every now and then.

"I can sense a large number of people ahead," Luffy said getting their attention. "It is still a distance away...about another ten minutes and we should reach where they are," he said causing Sanji and Yosaku to look at him strangely.

"How do you know that?" Sanji asked with a curious look on his face.

"I used my observation Haki to sense them. Don't worry as soon as we sort out all of this I am going to teach it to all of you," he said earning a nod from Sanji. After walking for another ten minutes the group exited the forest and ended up in what appears to be a small village of some kind. Luffy looked around expecting to see someone in the streets but there was no one there, it looked to be completely deserted. It was odd because Luffy remembered he sensed people in this exact same location ten minutes ago. So he decided to use his observation Haki once more to try and see where all the people were. Closing his eyes he began to try and sense the life force of people around. After a few seconds, he reopened his eyes and spoke.

"I sensed that all the people in the village are just ahead of us," he said point in front of them. The three of them then began walking up what appears to be the main street of the village until they spot a large group of people gathered around a man. The man was wearing a police uniform with a pinwheel on his hat and his entire body was covered in scars from his face down to his legs. The three of them stood at the edge of the group observing what was going on before they made their presence known. Luffy then tapped Sanji and Yosaku on the shoulder getting their attention ad pointer off to the left of the group causing them to look in the direction of where he was pointing. When they looked they saw a house completely destroyed. Usually, when a house is destroyed, the parts of the roof would still be at the top, but this time it was at the bottom. It looked as though someone picked the house up and flipped it upside down before slamming it into the ground.

"What could have the power to flip a house like that?" Yosaku whispered to the two of them.

"A Fishman," Sanji replied causing Yosaku's eyes to widen in fear. It was at that point Luffy decided to make their presence know.

"It looks like we missed quite the party," he said getting everyone's attention. After people starting to notice the three of them standing at the back, the crowd of people began part creating a path for the four of them to walk through. Luffy stood in the middle with Sanji on his left and Yosaku on his right as they walked through the path towards the man with all of the scars.

"Who are you three?" asked the man in the police uniform, "I've never seen you here before," he said. Luffy looked at him with an emotionless look on his face for a while before he replied in his usual monotone voice.

"We're just a couple of sailors looking for our friends who came to this island," he replied as he walked and stood next to the man. "You wouldn't happen to see them would you?" he asked. The people in the town were starting to get a bit nervous, they don't really get a lot of visitors to this island.

"Are you pirates?" they man asked making the people in the villages even more nervous.

"Yes, we are," Luffy said causing everyone's eyes to widen in fear before they all started to back up slowly. "Relax, I mean you no harm I am just here looking for my crew. One of them is a swordsman with green hair, you may know him as Roronoa Zoro," Luffy said surprising everyone at the fact that the famous pirate hunter became a pirate. "The next one is a long-nosed guy who goes by the name of Usopp," he said. As he said that he noticed a look of recognition across everyone's face.

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