Upper Yard, The Beginning of The End!

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Luffy, Zoro, and Nojiko began walking towards their ship to join the rest of their crew leaving a beach scattered with unconscious soldiers behind them. When they arrived on the ship everyone gathered around to plan their next move.

"Luffy, is it really such a good idea to anger this Enel guy?" Nami asked in a slightly scared voice.

"Something got you worried, Nami?" Luffy asked as he leaned against the banister of the ship and looked at his navigator with a curious expression on his face.

"It's just that I saw what this Enel guy could do, and his power seems to be the real deal," she said in a scared voice. "He made a giant beam of light come down from the sky and kill a man who was there looking for gold," she said causing Usopp and Chopper to become scared.

"It kind of sounds like what you did Luffy when you made that marine base island disappear back in the East," Sanji said causing Zoro to nod his head recalling what Luffy had done.

"It does sound similar but at the same time, it sounds like a weaker version," Luffy replied with a nod causing Chopper to look at him with stars in the eyes.

"Luffy you're so cool!" Chopper said as he stared at Luffy with stars in his eyes causing Luffy to chuckle and pat the little reindeer's head.

"Don't worry Nami," Luffy said as he turned and looked at her. "I won't let anything happen to any of you," he said with a smile causing all of them to smile as well. "Besides, this sounds like it could be a good training exercise for all of you" he added causing them to go pale and the smiles to disappear from their faces. Luffy was about to continue speaking, but before he could the voice of Conis got everyone's attention.

"I feel the need to tell all of you something," Conis said getting everyone's attention. When everyone looked out from the ship, they saw her standing beside the ship looking up at them with an unreadable expression on her face. "There is a cloud current that I can lead you to which will take you directly to the White sea and from there to cloud end where you can safely return home," she said surprising everyone while at the same time causing Luffy and Robin to narrow their eyes in suspicion. "Once you get onto the current, no one will be able to chase you," she added.

"That sounds amazing!" Nami said excitedly. Luffy an Ryuma plastered a fake smile on their faces before he too spoke to Conis.

"That does sound great, thank you Conis," Luffy said with a fake smile as he looked down at her causing some of his crew members to look at him strangely. "Tell you what, we need to supplies to repair our ship and we need some food for the journey do you think you can help us with getting these things?" he asked with the fake smile still plastered on his face.

"Of, course," she replied without hesitation.

"Great!" Luffy replied happily causing his crew to become slightly scared due to face that they have never seen their captain like this before. "Why don't you go getting everything prepared and some of the guys will come to help you bring everything back to the ship," he suggested.

"Okay," she replied before began making her way back to town. As she was walking way Robin spoke up to Luffy.

"Captain..." she said.

"I know," Luffy replied as he turned to look at his crew dropping the fake smile in the process. "She is setting us up for a trap," he said surprising the remain members of the crew.

"What!?" the remaining straw hats yelled out in shock.

"Don't be ridiculous Luffy," Nami said not wanting to believe that the sweet, innocent girl that had been helping them up until this point was setting them up for a trap. "Conis did nothing but help us until now. Why would she set us up for a trap?" she asked as she stared at her captain.

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