The Sky Knight and Skypiea!

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**Navy HQ**

Fleet Admiral Sengoku was currently sitting behind his desk inside his office with his arms folded. He was looking at his two long-time friends, Garp, and Tsuru who were sitting on couches on the opposite sides of the room. The three of them were discussing what they should do about the open spot at the warlord position. They had just come from the meeting where they were supposed to choose the next person to take the place of Crocodile, but sadly they couldn't choose anyone. The meeting wasn't a total loss however, just as it began, they were interrupted by a man named Laffitte who recommended his captain Blackbeard for the warlord position. No one had ever heard of anyone by the name of Blackbeard before and were extremely puzzled when this man infiltrated the Holy Land to nominate a no named pirate. Sengoku didn't toss out the idea of letting him join the warlords completely, he would just wait and see if this Blackbeard was worth his time.

"Well, that was a waste," Garp said knocking Sengoku out of thought.

"I agree," Tsuru said with a nod as she crossed her legs.

"It's not like we expected to come up with a solution there at the meeting," Sengoku added as he got up from behind his desk and walked to the center of the room. "It was a meeting with pirates, can't really expect them to come up with a logical plan of action," he said.

"Another thing I didn't like was how easily that man Laffitte infiltrated Mariejois," Tsuru said causing Garp and Sengoku to nod their heads in agreement.

"Yeah, the last thing we want is another Fisher Tiger incident," Garp said adding to what Tsuru was talking about.

"We are going to have to increase security around here," Sengoku said before he turned and walked back to this desk. As he reached his desk a knock came on his door. "Enter!" he said loudly in a commanding voice. just he said that the doors to his office pushed open and in walked a female marine officer. She was a slender woman with red lipstick, long curly black hair that is tied back and a mole on the right side of her face below her mouth. She wore her Marine coat on her shoulders like a cape, and her sleeves have pink cuffs and the epaulets are pink. Underneath, she sports a short-sleeved pink shirt, with a frilled collar and an open neckline that exposes her cleavage. She wore dark brown shorts and black heels exposing a black spider tattoo on her left thigh.

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku, Vice-Admiral Tsuru..." she said addressing each of them except Garp. "The scouting division has something to report," she added.

"Hey!" Garb yelled out getting everyone's attention. "How come I don't get a hello!?" Garp asked as he crossed his arms

"Oh, you're here to Vice-Admiral Garb?" she asked with sarcasm present in her voice. "Didn't notice you," she added causing Garp's mouth to hand open.

"Ignore him Gion-chan," Tsuru said with a smirk causing Garp to go sulk in the corner of the room.

"Of course, Ma'am," Gion said before she began telling them about what scouting division has to report. "There isn't anything too major to report just the usual up and coming rookie pirates causing trouble on the Grand Line," she said in a bored tone showing that she was uninterested in the rookie pirates. "However, there was something that caught the attention of the scouting division," she said in a serious tone getting all of their attention including Garp.

"Well, what is it?" Garp asked as he got up from the corner and rejoined the group.

"Recently, there seems to be a certain organization that caught our attention," she said as she passed the reports to each of them. "An organization called Hell's Company first caught our attention in the South Blue, but at the time we didn't think too much of it, we passed it off as some fool trying to get rich. It wasn't until reports of the very same organization appearing in the West Blue and the Grand Line," she said surprisingly them.

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