A Brother?!

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Luffy and Ryuma changed their direction and began walking towards the restaurant with a small smile on their faces. As they got closer to the restaurant a puzzled look appeared on their faces because they could sense that there was some sort of confrontation going on in the restaurant. It puzzled them because they knew Ace wasn't the type to start trouble especially in a public place like this. They also sensed another familiar presence, but luffy couldn't remember who or what it was. As they entered the restaurant, They saw a marine officer standing in the center of the restaurant looking at Ace while everyone else in the restaurant was off to the left trying to keep clear of the two powerhouses. Luffy looked at the marine for a few seconds before he recognized him as the marine captain from log town, Smoker. Luffy got an evil idea in his head and smirked before he quickly replied the smirk with an emotionless look and began walking towards Smoker. As he got closer Luffy spoke.

"Hey, Smokey," Luffy said getting Smoker's attention before he grabbed onto the collar of Smoker's shirt. "Bye, Smokey," he causes causing Smoker's eyes to widen just before Luffy took a big step forward and threw smoker through the wall behind the bar leaving a giant hole in its place. Everyone stared at the scene before them with eyes the size of dinner plates as they watched a kid just threw a marine captain through the wall. Luffy ignored the looks he and Ryuma were getting and began making their way to the bar where a shirtless man wearing a hat was sitting staring at Luffy and Ryuma with a large grin on his face.

"Luffy!" Ace said happily as he stood up from his seat. Luffy smiled and walked towards the bar.

"Ryuma! My bro" Ace said seeing another friend as ryuma stood there but then he smiled and said

"So Ace how are you doing Bro?" Ryuma asked as they both got near and do the bro handshake

"So Ace how are you doing Bro?" Ryuma asked as they both got near and do the bro handshake

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"Yo," Luffy replied as he high fived Ace before sitting at the bar. "One glass of whiskey and another glass of wine please," he said to the bartender who was trying to get over his shock at what he just witnessed.

"Is that all you have to say to your big brother?" Ace said faking hurting. Luffy sighed before he spoke.

"You really are milking this big brother and bro thing, aren't you?" Luffy asked as the bartender placed a glass half filled with whiskey and another vine glass. Just as Luffy and Ryuma were  about to grab the whiskey and Vine Ace grabbed them and downed both the drink before he replied.

"That's right," he said as he slammed the glasses down on the bar.

"Hey! That was my whiskey!/Wine!" Luffy and Ryuma yelled out.

"Oh, be quiet," Ace said waving Luffy and Ryuma off. "You two drink too much anyway," he added causing Luffy's and Ryuma head to drop before they looks back up at the bartender and signalled him to refill the glasses which he did.

"So, where is Sabo?" Luffy asked while looking at Ace. "You two are always together," he added. Ace nodded his head and smiled before he replied.

"Sabo left the crew...and joined the Revolutionary Army," he said causing Luffy's and Ryuma head to snap around to him and looked at him with a surprised look on his face.

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