A Giant Problem in Little Garden!

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Luffy and the crew were sailing in the Grand Line for about a day now since they left Whiskey Peak. They were sailing in calm waters for the majority of the journey, but they had not traveled as far as they would like. The reason for that being that the wind kept stopping every now and then delaying their journey. Luffy and Ryuma were currently sitting on there throne sipping a glass of whiskey while watching everyone move about the ship. Sanji, Usopp, and Yosaku were fishing off the side of the ship, Zoro was sleeping right next to them, Nami and Vivi were standing on the upper deck in front of Luffy watching them fish, Johnny was up in the crow's nest looking out for any island or any ship heading their way, Nojiko was behind Luffy practicing wielding her three section staff, and Vivi's duck Karoo was standing off to Luffy's right looking out into the water. Luffy never thought he would admit this but he really liked that duck, he was fun to have around. While Luffy was watching everyone go about their duties the wind suddenly stopped again causing the sails to drop and the ship itself to stop. Luffy sighed as he felt the ship.

'When we get to Water 7 I really need to get a ship with paddles or a propeller under the ship cause this is ridiculous,' Luffy thought before turning his attention to Nami and Vivi who were walking towards him.

"Luffy," Nami said getting his attention on her, "The wind stopped again," she said causing Luffy to look at her funny.

"There is nothing I can do about the wind," Luffy said before he took a sip of his drink.

"But if we continue at this rate I am that by the time we reach Alabasta it would be too late," Vivi said with a frown. Luffy got up from his throne and placed his hand on her shoulder causing her to look up at him.

"You are worrying too much, everything is going to be okay," he said with a warm smile on his face before he turned towards Nami. "Why don't you help her take her mind off things by teaching her some haki," Luffy said to Nami. Vivi heard that and took on a puzzled look wondering just what Haki was. When she looked over to Nami she saw an evil look on Nami's face causing her to sweat a little. Before she could react she was being pulled away by Nami leading her towards the women's quarters. Luffy chucked when he saw Nami pull Vivi away before he went and sat back down on his throne. As he sat down on his throne he gave it a mental command to turn around so he could see what Nojiko was doing. When the throne spun around he saw her sweating and breathing heavily while going through different movements at an impressive rate of speed.

'She is training really hard,' Luffy thought to himself as he watches her strike an invisible opponent with his staff.

"What brought on this intensity?" Luffy asked getting her attention. Once she heard Luffy's voice she stopped what she was doing and took a few seconds to catch her breath before she replied.

"What are you talking about?" She asked while breathing heavily. Luffy smiled before he pulled out a second glass and poured some whiskey before handing it to her.

"Why are you suddenly training so hard?" Luffy asked as he watches her down the whiskey in one go.

"I have always been like this," she said before she handed the glass back to Luffy who took it and refilled it before handing it back to her.

"No, you haven't," Luffy said as he got up from his throne and walked over to the back and looked out into the ocean before he continued speaking. "Since we left Whiskey Peak you have been training yourself non-stop, why?" he asked while continuing to look at the water. Nojiko tightens the grip on her three section staff before she replied.

"Because I could have easily died on Whiskey Peak if it wasn't for you, Nami, Zoro, Ryuma, Johnny, and Yosaku," she said causing Luffy to understand what was going on but he didn't say anything instead he let her continue. "And those guys who were on Whiskey were nothing but cannon fodder compared to the enemies we are going to be facing soon, I let my guard down so easily against a bunch of weaklings and had to be saved by my little sister...again," she said sadly. Luffy then turned around and place his hand on her shoulder before he spoke.

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