Knock Up Stream and A Demon!

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The going Merry sailed around the coast of the island making their way to the home of the man named Cricket. Luffy sat on his throne in silence the whole way there with an emotionless look on his face but his crew could tell that he was very angry just from the look he had in his eyes as for Ryuma he is also pissed off as after his intense training session he was sitting quietly next to luffy. Another give away to his anger was the raging stop that was brewing over the Island of Jaya. there were random flashes of lightning that followed by extremely loud thunder. Zoro and Robin had explained what happened while they were docked in Jaya to the rest of the crew. They weren't that much surprised by Luffy's actions, however, the thing that surprised all of them was the fact that they encountered Blackbeard, the man who Ace is hunting and who also pillaged Chopper's home. All of them stuck to the front of the ship leaving Luffy alone in the back. As for Luffy, he was doing his best to try and keep his anger under control. The thing that pissed him off was the fact that he left Teach escape before he could teach him a lesson. Thatch was one of the people who took care of Luffy while he on Whitebeard's ship, he was already pissed off about the fact that he wasn't allowed to kill Teach but now his chance to beat him an inch away from death slipped away.

"Captain!" shouted Usopp knocking Luffy out of his brooding. We are approaching a pirate ship!" he shouted while pointing to the front of the ship. Luffy looked at the ship through narrowed eyes.

"Is it those salvagers?" Luffy asked in a bored tone not caring about some random group of pirates.

"No, but the ships are kind of similar," Sanji replied causing Luffy to sigh and get up from his throne and began making his way to the front of the ship. When he got the front of the ship, he saw a pretty large ship with a giant tree on board it is blocking their path.

"I don't have time for this just get them out of our way," Luffy said in a bored voice.

"Hey, you guys!" someone shouted from the ship getting all their attention. "Stop what you are doing and pay attention!" they said. When Luffy and the crew looked up at the ship to see he spoke they saw a large man who looks like an orangutan with long green hair. "Could you believe I got all worked up wondering who you people were," the man said as he sat down on a throne of his own.

"What an ugly creature," Luffy said in a low voice.

"What did you say!?" the man screamed back down at Luffy. "Do you have any idea who I am!?" he asked.

"No, I don't, nor do I care who you are," Luffy replied. "I'm already in a bad mood and you're in my way. If you don't wish to die, I suggest you move that hunk of junk out of my way," he said in a dangerous tone.

"Why you!" the man growled out. He was about to say something else, but before he could one of his crew members got his attention.

"U-um, boss," a random member of his crew said getting his attention.

"WHAT!?" the large man screamed at the man.

"That's...that's...the Elemental Demon," he said while pointing at Luffy. " the one who beat Crocodile and formed an alliance with one of the four emperors," the man said with fear laced in his voice. The large man who is the obvious captain who the crew snapped his head around to Luffy and started the sweat slightly as he stared at the pirate wearing the straw hat.

"What are you all standing around for!" the man shouted to his crew. "Didn't you hear him! We are in his way!" he yelled causing them to salute their captain before they all scrambled around getting ready to move the ship. The captain then looked back over to Luffy and spoke. "Terribly sorry for the inconvenience," he said with a large smile while scratching the back of his head. Luffy didn't say anything, he just turns around and made his way back to his throne as the Going merry sailed past the group of pirates.

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