Birth of the Cherry Blossoms and An Alliance Acquired!

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"So, I take it you had a run in with Wapol before, young man," said Dr. Kureha to Luffy while she stared at the two headless bodies. Luffy stopped walking towards the castle and turned and looked at her before he spoke.

"Yeah, that fat ass ate part of my ship and tried wanted our treasure," Luffy replied before he turned and walked towards the group. "I sent him packing once but it looked like he hadn't learned his lesson and the fact that he was here meant he somehow got past my crew down in Bighorn..." he said before he paused and narrowed his eyes before continuing. "...and that just pissed me off," he said in a cold tone," causing Dr. Kureha to chuckle.

"Well, you're not hearing any complaints from me," he said as he pulled a bottle of plum sake from out of nowhere and drank it. "however, I think my companion over here might have a few complaints," she said while pointing over to Chopper who was staring at the two headless bodies in shock. Luffy looked over at Chopper and chuckled in amusement. Chopper hearing that they were talking about him snapped out of his gazing and looking looked at Luffy.

"Chopper, I am sorry I stole your revenge from you," Luffy said as he walked forward and patted the top of Chopper's hat gently. "But a pure soul like yourself shouldn't have to dirty your hands on scum like that," he said causing a thin smile to appear on Dr. Kureha's face. "And only chasing after revenge will only do more harm than good," he added causing Chopper to nod his head slowly. Luffy then looked up and looked off to the right. "I can sense a large group of people come here," he said causing everyone to look in the direction of where he was looking. " From what I can tell there are a lot of them flying here...or maybe floating...and my crew seems to be with them," Luffy added with a confused look on his face.

"Flying here?" Sanji asked as he walked and stood beside Luffy.

"I don't know how to explain it but they are pretty high up from the ground and are moving in this direction, pretty slowly I must add," he said.

"They must be using the rope I have tied to my old house," Dr. Kureha said causing Luffy and Sanji to look at her and wait for her to elaborate a bit more. "It is how Chopper and I get down the mountain. There is a man-powered pulley cart attached to the rope so they must be using that," he said causing Luffy to nod his head understanding what she was talking about. After waiting for another five minutes the group finally saw something started to rise up from the snow in front of them. It was an entrance/exit made out of metal. After it raised up a group of individuals stepped out of it and began looking around. The first two person were the man dress in the uniforms of two of Wapol's guard causing Luffy to put up his guard and was getting ready to attack him only to see the man had a full head of green hair and white hair realized that it was his vice-captain Ryuma and Zoro

"Well there is Zoro, Ryuma and the rest," Luffy said as he watched as every member of his crew stood behind Ryuma and Zoro. The group saw their captain and cook and started to smile before they began walking towards them.

"Hey captain," Zoro and Ryuma greeted as they walked up to the group.

"Zoro! Ryuma!," Luffy said greeting his first mate and second mate. "What are all of you doing here? I thought you were watching the ship," he said while looking at his first mate and second mate.

"Well you see this idiot marimo decided to go for a sim and do some exercises but hegot lost," Ryuma said causing Luffy to sigh and Zoro to get a tick mark.

"Of course you did," he said with a sigh as he shook his head.

"After that he ended up in some town when some army was attacking the village. I saw the guys with zoro were fighting so I went and helped. After that this Dalton guy wanted to come up here because some dude named Wapol was up here," Ryuma said while pointing to a badly injured Dalton exiting the metal entrance.

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