Shaking the World!

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Vivi led the Straw hats towards the palace through the numerous alleyways to try not to draw too much attention to them. When they reached the palace, they began walking up a huge staircase leading to the main doors of the castle. As they were walking up the stairs, they saw a figure standing on top of the stairs looking down at them. Luffy and Ryuma could tell who it was thanks to their observation haki, but everyone else was having a hard time making out the figure. As they got closer Vivi began to recognize who it was standing at the top of the stairs. A wide smile crept up on her face before she took off running up the stairs full sprint with tears leaking out of her eyes.

"DADDY!" she yelled as she ran to her father causing the Straw Hats to smile at her reaction.

"So that's the king," Sanji said as he took a puff of his cigarette.

"Yep," Luffy replied casually.

"Yeah he is the king" Ryuma said as he stood next to luffy

"You two don't sound that surprised," Nojiko commented as she looked at Luffy and Ryuma.

"I met him already so there isn't really anything to be surprised about," he said with a shrugged. When they reached the top of the stairs, they saw the father and daughter sharing a warm hug after being away from each other for such a long time. When the two royals noticed the group standing behind them, they let go of each other and greeted them.

"Dad, these are my friends," Vivi said with a smile as spoke to her father. "This is Nami, Nojiko, Ryuma, Zoro, Usopp, Johnny, Yosaku, Sanji, and this is their captain, Lu-" she said introducing the crew to her bather before he interrupted her.

"Yes, I met him already," he said surprising her. "And it is a pleasure to meet all of you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you've done for my daughter," he said as he bowed his head.

"It's no problem," Nami said while slightly unnerved at the fact that a king was bowing his head to them.

"Come on," the King said as he brought his head back up. "You all must be tired, come inside and rest while our doctors treat your wounds," he said before leading the group into the palace. When they got inside the two royals lead them into a room with numerous beds. Luffy hypothesized that this was the hospital wing of the castle. "Our doctors will treat your wounds and our chefs will prepare a grand feast as thanks for your services to our country," the king said.

"Let's postpone the feast for a couple of days and make sure everyone is properly healed," Luffy said while his crew nodded and sat on different beds. "And besides, the two of you have somewhere else to be," he added causing them to raise their eyebrows at him.

"What do you mean?" Vivi asked as she tilted her head to the side.

"The Plaza with your people. Tell them what really happened here," he said causing a look of realization to flash across their faces.

"You're right," Vivi said with a smile. "And we can tell them all about you guys," she said with a smile.

"Actually Vivi, that wouldn't be a good idea," Sanji said while the other Straw Hat's nodded.

"Actually," Luffy said getting all their attention. "That would be a good idea," he said surprising his crew.

"But Luffy, wouldn't that draw too much attention to us?" Nojiko asked in a confused voice.

"When I asked each of you to join my crew, I told you I was going to turn this world upside down," he said in a critical tone. "I have no intention of turning upside down from the shadows," he added causing Zoro, Ryuma and Nojiko to smile while Nami, Usopp, and Chopper sulked in the corner.

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