Wrath of a Demon and Bounties

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After the fight with Arlong, the villagers were still trying to wrap their head around the fact that Arlong was defeated and they were now free. It didn't feel real because since Arlong came to the island they all thought they were going to be stuck under his control for the rest of their life. Then Luffy and his crew came along and gave them their freedom. As Luffy was walking through the villagers making his way back to the village he heard a weird sounding laugh coming from behind him.

"Chichi chichi!" Luffy heard causing him to turn around to see who it was. When he turned and looked he saw it was the marines who he spotted with Genzo earlier. Luffy narrowed his eyes and stopped walking towards the village and started walking towards the marine captain. "Okay, hold it right there," said the marine captain to all the villagers while all of his marines pointed their weapons at them. "What a lucky day today is, I saw the entire fight and I must say good work and I can only assume this victory here was some bizarre accident. I never thought the fishmen would lose to some riff-raff like you and your crew," He said with a cocky smile not noticing Luffy and Ryuma were slowly making there way to the front of the group. "However, now that Arlong isn't here, I will be taking all of the money I was supposed to give to him and all of the treasure in Arlong Park," he said loudly with a smirk on his face causing the villagers to gasp and look at him angrily. "Now drop your weapons! Captain Nezumi of branch 16 gets all the credit!" he yelled. Just as he said that Luffy reached the front and immediately slammed his fist on top of the marine captain's head sending crashing into the ground. Upon seeing their captain being hit all of the marines aimed their weapons to Luffy and a few of the villagers. Thinking fast Luffy and Ryuma sent a wave of Conquers Haki to the marines causing them to pass out foaming at the mouth.

"Sorry, but that money is for the village," Luffy said before he turned to Nami and asked her a question. "If there a marine base around here?" he asked. Nami thought for a second before she replied.

"Yes, just North East of here is branch 16," he said while pointing in the general direction. Luffy nodded his head before turning towards Sanji.

"Sanji," he said getting Sanji's attention. "I want you, Johnny, and Yosaku to go raid that Marine ship over there," he said while pointing to the vessel behind them. "whatever you find on the ship give it to the village and bring the marine ship back here to me...and do as you please with the marines on board," Luffy said causing the three of them to nod their head. Luffy then summoned a thundercloud for them to ride on. As they hopped on the cloud took off to the ship. Luffy then turned towards Usopp and Nami before he gave out more orders. "Nami, Usopp," Luffy said getting their attention. "You two go raid Arlong park..." Luffy said before turning towards the pile of ash that is now Arlong park before he spoke again, this time with a nervous chuckle. "...or never mind," he said causing everyone to sweat drop. He then turned to Zoro and Ryuma as he spoke. "Zoro can you fight?" Luffy asked. When he asked the question Zoro looked as though he had just been insulted.

"What kind of stupid question is that? Of course, I can fight," he said causing Luffy to chuckle. Luffy then turned around and saw the marine ship was making its way to the island letting everyone know that Sanji and the guys and succeeded. When the ship had docked Johnny and Yosaku were the first ones out. They were carrying a large black box that has money sticking out of it and from the way they were walking Luffy assumed it was extremely heavy. Right behind the two were five marines each badly beaten with tears running down their face while carrying a large sack over each of their back. Behind the marines was Sanji walking out empty handed with his hands in his pocket and a cigarette in his mouth. Luffy chuckles and shook his head when he saw Sanji. The group arrived in front of Luffy and villagers and dropped everything down in front of them. By now Nezumi had woken up from his dirt nap and was staring at everything from his ship with wide eyes. He was about to yell at everybody immediately stopped with he spotted Luffy staring at him with cold emotionless eyes. Luffy then turned back to Sanji's group and spoke.

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