The End of Crocodile and Nico Robin!

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The sun was setting over the deserts of Alabasta and standing in the middle of the desert outside of Rain base were Luffy, Crocodile, and Ms. All Sunday. Luffy and Crocodile were locked in a staring match with a serious look on both of their faces while Ms. All Sunday stood off to Crocodile's right with a smile that was clearly fake staring at the two men.

"It would seem as though the princess slipped through our fingers once again," She said breaking the tense silence between the group.

"It doesn't matter," Crocodile replied causing Luffy to raise an eyebrow. "The agents are still scheduled to meet in Alubarna. Contact them at once," he ordered while taking a glance at his subordinate. Luffy chuckled for a bit, getting both of their attention before he spoke in a calm tone.

"It doesn't matter where your agents are," he said calmly. "The is no way they are getting past my crew," he added confidently.

"That is a lot of faith you are putting into a bunch of people you only known for about a month now," Ms. All Sunday said while looking at Luffy.

"No one knows a crew better than the captain," Luffy replied as he turned his attention to the sole female there. Ms. All Sunday just looked at Luffy and chuckled. Luffy was about to say something else but before he could a blade of sand shot up from the ground off to his right and tried to sliced his body in half as he caught it without any effort. Luffy just looked down at the blade of sand that tryed to separating the upper half of his body from the lower and sighed before he spoke to Ms. All Sunday once more. "It would seem as though I am going to have to cut our conversation short. Your boss is apparently getting jealous. We will continue once I am done, Ms. Robin," Luffy said using Ms. All Sunday's real name surprising her a bit before she simply smiled and nodded before she replied.

"I'll give you boys some room to play," she said before she moved to stand a bit away from the duo. The warlord saw that he was still being ignored and growled before he raised his right in into the air and sand began to swirl around it, covering his entire wrist with sand.

"Desert Spada!" he yelled out as he brought his hand down and then stabs it into the ground, extending it along the ground like a torpedo racing straight to Luffy who just stood there unmoving. The sand sliced through Luffy and a rock behind him right down the middle like a hot knife through butter.

"So, I was right," Luffy said as he destroyed the sand blade in his hand and dusted his clothes. "You don't know haki," he added in a slightly disappointed tone. "Guess it was wrong of me to assume that you would have been able to pose a challenge to me," Luffy said as he adjusted his straw hat.

"You bastard!" Crocodile growled out in frustration. "Take this!" he yelled out letting his anger get the better of him as he raised his right hand and turned it into a spearhead made of sand before stabbing it into the ground while yelling out.

"Desert Girasole!" he yelled. Luffy was expecting something to happen right away but nothing happened. He waited for a few seconds to see if anything was going to happen and just when he was about to ridicule Crocodile for his attack failure the sand beneath his feet collapsed a giant pit of quicksand about 30 ft wide formed causing Luffy to begin to sink into the ground while Crocodile stood on top of the giant pit staring at Luffy smugly. Luffy didn't move a muscle or even showed an ounce of panic on his face. He just stood there staring at Crocodile with a bored expression on his face.

"Ever heard of quicksand?" Crocodile asked arrogantly. "It makes for an easy dessert burial when you need to get rid of someone in a hurry," he said with a smirk. "With my Sand-Sand fruit, I am unbeatable when fighting in the dessert!" he added with a smug smile on his face causing Luffy to sigh.

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