Only a game

642 39 11

His team just lost
Your man's distraught
You say, "It's only a game".

Deep down he knows
That this is true
But you're really missing the point.

"It's not a matter of life or death"
As a famous manager said
According to Bill Shankley
"It's more important than that".

It matters because we want it to
It matters because we care
If we don't care there is no point
It doesn't matter at all.

Take away the passion
And what's it all about?
Take away the passion
And there is no sense at all.

You say that it doesn't matter
At all that my team's just lost
"Forget your disappointment
Forget and just move on".

I know it'd work if I let it
But I really have to care
Because once you stop caring about it
It doesn't matter at all.

It's disappointment that makes the triumphs,
Even the small ones, feel good.
How can you enjoy the triumphs
Unless you share the lows?

You can only know the joy of it
If you're willing to take the pain.
Let yourself stop caring
And it's never the same again.

Sport for men is passion
The only emotion allowed
The 0ne time tears are permitted
And emotion's allowed to show.

It matters because we make it
It matters because we care
It's a chance to feel real passion
Shame it's only a game.

Can't really cope with the big stuff
Life and death and such
We leave that to our women
For men it's just too much.

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