Keralan Christmas Tree

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The tree by the pool in Kovalam
Had sadly seen better days.
Christmas had been and come and gone
While the tree stood in the sun.

But Christmas in Kerala lingers on
Till the Elephant Festival's come
There's no twelfth night
When it all comes down
It just kind of lingers on.

Now Christmas trees aren't made for sun
Or the houses we put them in.
Heat's not good for a Christmas tree
And starts to dry it out.

They've a limited life
And we soon put them out
Before their needles drop
But there's no reprieve
For a tree in the sun
If Christmas doesn't stop.

The tree by the pool in Kerala
Was brown and awfully sad;
And no amount of glitter or such
Could ever liven it up.

It was a sad, sad sight
But it made us smile
When we saw it in the sun.
They got it wrong
But they meant it well
The tree was there for us.

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