Six Word Story

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Wattpad fame I've seen the way.
Six word stories all the rage.
Can't be hard. Try my hand.
Write a few, fill the page.

Just six words. What to say?
Wrote more once, no one cared.
Keep it short, say it all.
Meaningful thoughts but succinctly shared.

Just six words, keep it short
No one really cares you fool.
Write for them, not for you.
Keep it simple, keep it cool

Forget about metre, just count words.
Doesn't have to rhyme each time.
Count the words, make it six.
More than six would be a crime!

That was seven! Guess I erred!!!
Stick with six, that's quite enough.
Count the words. Get it right.
Getting tough to write this stuff.

Only six words but elegantly said.
That's the stuff. Really well put.
Word count right but anything said?
Nearing the end so what's afoot?

Stories must end, reach a conclusion.
Nearly there so what has occurred?
Six word story. I give up.
End of the story, final word.

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