Courgette Crisis

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They say there's a courgette crisis.
You can't get hold of the things.
And the few you can find
On the shelves, in the shops
Are raising a silly price.

Too much rain in Spain they say.
And it's snowing in Italy.
But if you're in to growing your own
You'll laugh and get all giggly.

When courgettes are in season
They're easy things to grow.
The gardeners' grouch
You'll more often hear is
How do you make them stop?

The things keep growing overnight
They're marrows before you know
And you get so sick of the sight of them
You can't eat any more.

We'll be crying out for recipes
What to do with courgettes.
You end up trying to give them away
Until you run out of friends.

Now we don't grow many in winter
And that is kind of the point.
Vegetables have their seasons
And it's best to eat what's there.

We've purple sprouting broccoli
We've kale and Brussels sprouts
If you want courgettes in the winter months
You'll have to pay the price.

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