New Year's Rain (Villanelle)

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A new year dawned, it came with rain.
A passing shower, hope not a storm
Hope soon the sun will shine again.

Though copious puddles still remain
We hope this shower will soon be gone.
A new year dawned it came with rain.

Hope things dry up, the waters drain.
Though things may change blow up a storm
Hope soon the sun will shine again.

We hate the rain, it's such a pain
Yet still the storm clouds seem to form.
A new year dawned it came with rain.

'Rain go away'; the child's refrain
We bid the rain 'be off', 'be gone'.
Hope soon the sun will shine again.

Though hopes be slim and troubles swarm
It could soon change, be kind and warm.
A new year dawned it came with rain,
Hope soon the sun will shine again.

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