No Laughs in Aleppo

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There are no laughs in Aleppo
It all looks pretty grim
I like to write light hearted stuff
In hope I'll make you grin
But sometimes the world just weighs you down
And laughters not the thing.

I pray there's an end to Aleppo
That humanity may kick in
They'll stop bombing kids
Won't leave them to starve
Will find them safe, secure homes.

We woke up too late to Aleppo
Too easy to just look away
But life there is hard
And we must have regard
For a mess that just won't go away.

I can't say I know the solution
Though I'm pretty sure it's not bombs.
We call on those who would lead us
To make sure that somehow peace comes.

Meanwhile I pray for Aleppo
That it's people will be safe, fed and warm
But I most of all pray for that far away day
When we can think of that place and laugh.

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