Gnarly Old Codger

112 19 22

Dr Thomas Waite, consultant in Extreme Events and Health Protection at Public Health England said: "The effects of cold can be severe, in particular for those who are over 65, have a long term illness, or are not mobile".

Alas it seems I'm getting old
At over 65 we're told
Don't go out, avoid the cold.
Stay In.

Thankfully I'm sixty four
So I can go out for six months more
Then I'll be old, my health too poor.
Done In.

I didn't mean to swear and cuss
It's kind of you to make a fuss,
And of the neighbours to check on us.
Good Thing.

I'm sorry I'm not in today
I've left a note on the door to say,
'The gnarly old codger's run away'.
Don't Ring.

I'm sorry but I get my fun
Going out. I like to run
And won't stay in for anyone.
Not In.

It won't be long until the day
They want to have me put away
Until that comes I have to say,
"I'm out of here, I'm off to play."

Second WindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora