Outdoor Hotel Breakfast

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An outdoor hotel breakfast
Requires a careful plan
You must know the enemy's targets
Their likely plan of attack.
There's always a pest
That the hotel guest
Will have to defend against.

In Europe it's most often wasps
In India it's crows.
The hotel guests defend their food
Against the local pest.

First and most important
Is to get a good position.
Find a place you can defend
And won't be overwhelmed.
Watch the other guest a while.
Know where not to sit.
Avoid the fatal table
That constantly gets hit.

Then carefully choose the food you take
The things that quickly bring them.
Wasps will always head for jam
The crows may take your cake.
Don't put too much upon your plate
Be ready to defend it
It's not that smart to pile your plate
If enemies surround it.

Always leave a rear guard
When you go off for food.
Don't leave food unattended
While you go off for more.
Pests may swoop while your away.

Try to find an ally
Befriend the other hotel guests
Be pally with the waiters
And get them on your side.

Carefully choose your weapons
For fending off attack
A napkin flacked
Or something to throw
Defence against the crow.

You'll usually win the battles
But we'll  never win the wars
If all this fails I can only suggest
You had better eat indoors.

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