The Sun is always shining

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The sun is always shining
Up there above the clouds.
We cannot always see it
Or feel it on our skin
But it's always up there somewhere
Up above the clouds.

Clouds get in the way a bit
They can block out the sun
But they're only water vapour
And without them there's no rain.

We need the rain to make things grow
Without it we'd not eat.
Clouds get in the way a bit
They can block out the sun.
But the sun is always shining
Somewhere up above.

We need both light and darkness
The sun as well as cloud
The good times and the bad times
The things that make a life.

You have to hope in bad times
The good times are ahead
The clouds will part
We'll see the sun
And feel it on our heads.

But even in the bad times
We know that we'll pull through
The clouds bring rain
They help us grow
And in our hearts we know
The sun is always shining
It will be good again.

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