Anger Inside

192 21 18

There's anger inside you like coiled barbed wire
Didn't mean to offend or hurt you; but
The least little thing can provoke your ire.

Don't mean to provoke you but things conspire.
Your words when you're angry can really cut;
There's anger inside you like coiled barbed wire.

It seems you're alright then you start to tire
There's a sinking feeling inside my gut
The least little thing will provoke your ire.0

I treasure your passion, treasure your fire
But not your bad temper; doing your nut.
There's anger inside you like coiled barbed wire.

You're good in a crisis when things are dire
Can't be faulted when the chips are down; but
The least little thing can provoke your ire.

I try to deliver what you require
But my head's in my hands, my eyes are shut
There's anger inside you like coiled barbed wire.
The least little thing will provoke your ire.

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