Super Natural School

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Hey I'm breeze! I'm a elemental bender and I go to a supernatural school, elemental benders are super rare and so are Gem Fairies, that's what my sister is. My sister, sassy mean and the second most popular girl in the school then you had her best friend Natasha the most popular girl in the school, Natasha has a cold heart... literally get heart is ice so she has powers. She is not classified as a bender more of a super human. I didn't have much friends since I was in the sky pulling pranks most of the time. But I do have a bestie, his name is Jackson and he is a werewolf, I know werewolf really? but I never thought I would be friends with a werewolf. he is super rich and one of the popular kids. We both play soccer and he is captain I'm co-captain but I'm ok with that. here is some information on some people you should know.

Skyler Fiasco~sky

Sky is my sister, she is super super rare she is a gem fairy, she can turn into a gem turn things into gems and shoot gems. She is girly and sassy. My sister has ombré hair just like me but hers is shorter and more Curley, when she does something to do with gems her lighter brown hair lights up that colour, she has grey-green eyes, pale skin and dimples.

Natasha Styles~ Nat

Yep that's right Styles Harry Styles younger sister. One of the dumbest girls! She has long straight black hair, light bold blue eyes, kinda tall, and very pale due to her being ice. She is dating a werewolf named Scott, he plays soccer but I don't really talk to him.

Jackson Whittlemore

Rich!!! He has blonish-brown hair usually in a cwiff. He has dimples, muscles, is pale, kinda short, and has blue eyes. Most girls like him but I don't get why. He is my best friend and the only one I truly trust.

Meeee!!!~ Breeze Fiasco

I have ombré hair long and kinda wavey, bold green eyes, naturally tanned skin (so dont think I tan because I go to a beach it's to swim!) I'm short, have dimples and yeah full on prankster! I love soccer and love my motorbike. I know what your thinking why not fly to school, motorbikes are fun to ride.

"Oh you can turn into diamond, that's cool..." Sklyer says.


"I can turn into any gem." Skyler smiles and walks to Natasha.

"Scott is cute." Is all she says staring at him.

"Don't care, he is coming now ooo got a text brb." Skyler says walking to the side a bit.

"Hey, sorry I've got soccer training tonight. Can we have dinner another night?" he says full of hope. I'm not a stalker it's just thanks to having air powers I can hear convos and sadly I'm listening to this.

"Oh like sure I mean soccer is important to you, text me when your free." she says before hugging him then walking off to skyler. 'Now'

I use my water powers and drench Scott!

"Woohoo!" I tell from the sky, I come back down and say.

"Whoa you looked soaked wonder who did that." I smiled and walked off to Jackson.

"Hmm." he says it looked like he was in deep thought.

"What?" I said.

"Oh nothing just some looser almost touched my car." he said without a care in the world. I know how could I be friends with such a jerk. you learn to live with it plus opposites attract.

"Ha." I roll my eyes and head to class.

i sat i class board to death i started colouring n m planner. School went pretty quick, nothing really happened just the usual. i went home and changed into my soccer gear and was off to training.

This book is fun to write! updating soon :)

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