The official rules of war says that there can be no war from 3-6am so right now i am behind a building with Nat Skyler the twins aleasha scott and jackson. The cold wind send shivers down my spine. I brush my fingers scross the cold rubble floor. i can see a survival camp not far from here where old people and kids are. Poor kids theyre lives will be scared forever. I watch the sky, all the stars of hope, noone of them mean anything nothing means anything. i take a good look at my friends around me who i will probably never see again after this. eirther they will die or i will. The thought of death scares me. No one is talking as well all are thinking the same thing. no one wants to talk at a time like this. it ios a peaceful quite and i really want to enjoy the quiteness while i can before fire starts again. its almost 6 am again. I hear the loud bells that indicate time. Its time to go. we all have a group hus and walk into battle positions that we were allicated. I turn to see the twins who both look at me and give a weak smile i try to smile back but all thast comes out is a tear. i see them turn away to focus on the war ahead of us as do i.This shit in intense. I turn the other way to see Nat who is standing next to Scott they are both holding hands. the both look at me. i smile as do they. we are all in the front line of fighters so we are in the most danger all the other front line fighters are dead i guess we are next. I look back to see Jackson Aleahsa and Skyler behind me. i mouth them a 'good luck' they do the same we both smile. I turn to face the gross aliens in front of me. They are all gross amd slimy like how can they live with selves! they're so ugly! haha that sounds like something nat would of said. FOCUS BREEZE! ALIEN! "SHIT!" I scream as i quickly jump avoiding a blade. phew. i fly up and start to shoot. i look down just in time to see one twin get impaled. 

"AIDEN!" I yell as i fly down to his level. i quickly pick him up while Ethan fights off the others. i take behind a building.

"Does it hurt?' i ask him.

"Nah, im good." he says but i can clearly see the pain in his eyes.

"Aye, at least i died with good hair." he said and he cracked a smile. i chuckled.

"Your not going to die?" i asked him i knew the answer.

"No im fine, trust me," he said his voice cracking. Just then ethan came in with what looked like a healer.

'A healer!" he said.

"I thought all the healers were dead." i said as she started to help aiden i just nodded. Ethan gave a geasture and rtold me to contue the fight. i noddeed and flew off into the sky. I took one last glance at Aiden i hoped he wasnt going die, he hasnt even graduated! none of us have. I fload ne of their space ships. i set fire to other air crafts. I see Skyler with anger in her face she is slashing everything in sight! wow you go girl! Aleasha is full on vampire queen right now she is just zooming past aliens taking their souls one by one. Jackson and scott are clawing everything! i smile to myself, just look how far we have come. I used to be the prankster that was only known by Jackson now i am one of the most popular kids in school and i am fighting for my country. I continue shooting. i see a storm coming. i remember that time i got struck in a storm haha good time. i see a weather bender stop it she looked in her thirties i thank her and continue to do my thang! I see their boss coming that means they are almost our of fighters! YES!!!!!!! iI AM SO FRICKING HAPPY RIGHT NOW! But then my face drops as i see a smirk on his face. Just then i see massive aliens! mutated aliens! They are like 10 times my size!!!! HOLLY FOHISIZ! HOLY FORSHIZIL MINIZIL OFF THE DRIZZLE BLIZZLE! Then i have a smirk on my face as his drops we have alot and i mean alot of shape shifters and they all shift into them. only the supernatural can tell the difference! haha! they start to attack. i see Nat make a massive ice monster about 50 times their size. she makes around 30 that must take aklot of power. I deicde to make a fire monster. it is about the same size as Nat's. they go and start to attack. Its all a blur. all i know is that i have to shoot everything that is alien!!!!!! Juts then i see i shot nova! NO! i yell but then i realise it is just a helusination. i shake my head. I keep on fighting. Man im thirsty! i quickly blend some water and pour it into my mouth. I look down to see a old wizard aka a hunter getting thirsty i never though i would do this but i fly down and blend him some water.

'thank you! Your an angle!" he says. i smile and walk over to more wizards dying of thirst. I give some to the human fighters as well. i quickly fly up to see a air craft near our land! STUPID BREEZE LOOK WHAT U DID! I shoot it about 100000 time and it breaks. i sigh of relif. thank god! that one was way to close. i they are targeting me with their acid launches. i start to get scared but then i remember im not alone in the air i have other air benders and weather controllers. i shoot most of them off as do they i was always really good at dodge ball so i dodged most of them. sadly one old lady who was a air bender falls. I hear crys of happiness from the aliens whilst a cannon goes off indicating another has fallen. haha LOL JUST LIKE HUNGER GAMES! focus! it makes me sick the fact that these aliens are celebrating yet another death. i full on loose it nec minnute i am transformed into a true dragon! only like one dragon has ever done this before and that was the first dragon! imagine all the aliens i can kill i dont ave control over myself and all i know is that i am killing heaps and heaps of aliens its crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its not even normal! not even the old people ca do this. i have unleashed my true form thats only ever happened once. i guess anger makes you shift. I am going ballistic. i see pour king has the biggest grin ever. I am flyng towards their king. i and going crazy i have no control everything is a blur and everything is spinning i dont know what i am doing or what i look like or whats going on or who is dead or who is looking at me! i hear cheers but are they're ours or the others, why would they be cheering?

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