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"The maze... I don't get it, was the driver of the bus apart of it?" I asked Aiden.
"No idea, crazy stuff like this usually happens we should let it go and move on." He said.
"Hmm yeah." I said. "Well cya later!" I said giving him a hug and then walking towards Aleasha. we was wearing a flowy pink dress with white lace over it, it stopped above her kness. she also had whit flats and her hair out. I was wearing a black leather dress white my hair in a messy bun and some white laced boots that stopped above my ankle.
"Hey, what is the up?" I asked.
"Haha you make no sense." she said.
"I know right!" we both were laughing while walking to class.
"And nothing much. Wanna hang out tonight?" she asked me.
"Yeah sure, ill invite over Nat as well, sleep over slash girls night!" I said to Aleasha.
"Ooo girls night I'm in." someone said from behind me.
"Haha Jackson, very funny. Ill text Sky and Nat know." I said.
"Ok." Aleasha said.
'Hey! sorry if ur phone goes off in class. Sleepover tonight?'
'Yeah sure'
"Yeah they're coming." I said to Aleasha.
"Yaya!" she said. class was finally over. I walked to my locker to see... Aiden.
"Hey, what's up?" I asked him.
"Nothing, just standing here." he said with a smirk.
"Smartass." I said to him.
"Haha, you free tonight?" he asked me. Oh crap! I'm gonna look so mean.
"Sorry no, really sorry." I said to him.
"Haha it's cool." he said to me.
"I feel bad, is there any way I could make it up to you?" I asked him.
"Actually yes." he said. my eyes winded.
"Umm ok what?" I asked him.
"Not to feel bad about not hanging with me." he said to him then he gave me a hug. I returned it with a smile.
"Get a room!" Aleasha said walking up to us. I let go of him.
"Everyone has a couple but me, is it because I'm dead?" she asked me.
"No, it's because your so fabulous guys are scare of a rejection." I said to her.
"Hmm okay whatever I guess!" she said more cheery.
"I have a free period what about you?" she asked me.
"Yeah but I use this time to go to soccer practice." I said to her.
"FIASCO HURRY UP!" coach yelled. I saw Aiden tense up.
"Chill he always yells at everyone." I said to him.
"Anyway ill come watch you! After I get a frappe." Aleasha said. I honestly don't know why she wasn't in a relationship she is so beautiful and nice.
"Great cya there!" I said to her. I walked to the girls change room since we didn't have a locker room since I'm the only girl player. I came out and ran towards Jackson.
"Heya!" I said to him.
"Wazzup?" he asked me.
"Oh great were running laps of the soccer pitch." I said to him. we started running, arg when will this end? just then I felt myself fall and hit something hard. there was a pain in my leg. my vision was blurry... I wasn't on the pitch... I must of ran off without noticing. I felt another sharp pain. it was hunters zapping me. oh great. I tried to Dragon out but nothing. I felt weak. I hate this feeling. I feel powerless. the pain started to grow in my body. it ran through me and it felt like blades sawing every inch of my body as they could. I couldn't get up. I couldn't move. my vision was back. I was in the woods. and there was no one. I tried getting up but I couldn't. I got up and walked. I saw Aiden coming towards me but he brushed past me. I turned around. this can't be. I'm lying there dead. I see him yell but I I I dot hear him.
"Aiden!!!!!" I yell. his head snaps towards the sound then I find myself back on the floor. my eyes open. I don't feel anything. it's like there is no pain.
"You don't look like your in pain." he said to me.
"It's because I'm not." I said to him.
"No, no, Don't die on me! Dont die!" he yelled then it all went white. where the hell was I? I walked everything was white.
"Hello?" I called out.
"Hey." a familiar voice said. but I couldn't remember who. I turned to see someone.
"Who are you?" I asked them. they had deep bold green eyes, brown hair in a quiff, pale skin and kind of muscular.
"Don't you remember me?" he asked. he had a British acent.
"Honestly yeah, I remember your voice. That's it." I said to him. he looked around my age.
"Finn." I whispered.
"You do remember." he said e ran up to me for a hug just as we touched my vision came back.
"I need to find him!!!!!" I yelled as I woke up I am so confused and I was having a panic attack. I saw doctors come through and Aiden wake up and come to me so did Aleasha Sky Nat and my parents and Ethan and Jackson.
"Calm down please." The docter said.
"Finn! Finn!" I yelled over and over again. my parents eyes winded. At the word Finn. I felt a warm hand wrap around mine, I started calling down. I relaxed. I looked to see a very worried Aiden.
"You okay?" he asked.
"Ok." was all I said. I felt a tear run down my cheek. Finn was my elder brother he is elder than me by 6 years but he was my idol as a child. one night he went our and didn't return. I felt more tears. Aiden motioned the others to leave me alone they all left except for Aleasha. she stayed and gave me a huge hug. Aiden came in as well. Once Aleasha went to sit down he also gave me a hug. Whoa I'm getting a lot of hugs.
"You were out cold." Auden whispered into my ear, te memories of Finn came back and I started sobbing into his shirt.
"Sorry about your shirt." I said to him.
"It's cool, it's Ethan's anyway." he said. Aleasha had fallen asleep. there was alot on my mind. my mum came in and Aiden and Aleasha left.
"Look sweetie, I know you now remember Finn, but please forget about him." she said.
"Wait what! why?" I asked her.
"Honey, trust me!" She said a little more loudly.
"Why!" i said back.
"Just do as I say. Mother knows best." she said before leaving. I got up out of the bed. I was in a hospital gown. my clothes were on the side 'here as some clothes get well soon ~love Nat xoxo' it read on a sticky note. I went into the bathroom and got changed. I walked out. pain came to me at every step I took. i snuck out and went home.
"Mum, what happened to Finn?" I asked her once I was home. she didn't really care I snuck out. she sighed and looked at me in defat.
"Ok well your brother was turned to diamond by Sky. Back then she had no control. Finn went to go see her and he got turned. he lies somewhere in the woods." mum said.
"Finn, he is alive." I said to mum.
"What?" she asked me.
"He he he is alive, when I died he was there." she said.
"What?" she said amazed. I ran out the door to go find Aiden.
"Aiden! my brother! he was turned into a statue when I was really little and he is alive somewhere in the woods!" I said fast.
"Whoa what? ok calm down." he said to me at the door.
"Ill get my bike, ok lets go." he said to me. I got on and off we went. Aleasha Sky and Nat came running in to. we all stood there.
"How did you know?" I asked sky.
"Mum told me, they erased it from our minds." she said.
"So Anyone got an idea of where he is?" Scott said white Ryder behind him. Sky ran up to Ryder and gave him a hug. Scott went and put an arm around Nat.
"Nope." I said looking down.
"We are in the middle of the woods at night an no one has any idea?" Aleasha said kind of scared. we all were. I started to think of what could happen if I found Finn. my heart started racing.
"It's gonna be okay." Aiden said holding my hand. he could hear my heartbeat since he was a werewolf. I gave him a weak smile. I squeezed his hand.
"Ok we should split up." Scott said.
"Really? in the woods... alone?" I asked him.
"I'm a werewolf we know this place inside and out." he said.
"Ok well, Aleasha your coming with me!" I said to her.
"Well duh!" she said.
"Nat?" Scott asked he smiled a yes.
"Sky... I'm not even gonna ask." he said with a smirk.
"I guess we are a three." Aiden said.
"Yup." was all I could say. the woods kinda freak me out and the thought of Finn jumping out scares the hell out of me. "I am freaking nervous as Ever!" they looked at me.
"Oh sorry I said that aloud didn't I?" I asked they just noded. Aiden put his arm around me.
"No one here is gonna have anything bad happen to them." Aiden said. he is so sweet adding Aleasha in to.
"Umm guys, did you hear that?" Aleasha asked. Aidens grip around me tightened in a protective way. I was scared.
"Hello?" I called.
"breeze?" a British accent called.
"Finn!" I said. He was a
Statue but e could talk. I called sky and she came.
"You know how to fix him?" I asked her.
"Yeah." she said. she fixed him and he looked beaten up.
"I've missed you." he said.
"Same." I said back. we realized from the hug.
"Finn, this is my best friend Aleasha and this is my... umm..." I felt awkward.
"Hey I'm her boyfriend Aiden." Aiden finished for me. I mouthed a thank you to him.
"Hey, where is sky?" he asked.
"Here" I she to him. i think Finn could be a popular kid he was very good looking. I saw him stare at Aleasha and her stare back. oh great...
"Anyway! we should be getting home." I said. that was a late night we stayed up late talking and catching up. an then I slipped into my pjs and went to sleep.

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