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I ran up to Jackson scared as hell!

"What's wrong! You look like you've seen a zombie!" Jackson said.

"I have, zombies on the loose! Run!" I yelled. while running I grabbed the twins and Aleasha.

"What's wrong?" Aiden asked once we were in a small room.

"Zombie attack back at the school." I said.

"You okay?" Aiden asked with concern.

"Fine." I said with a smile.

"Uhhh guys..." Aleasha said. there was a zombie behind us we got up and ran well vampires and wolves had super speed so they ran while I flew. Once at safety I said.

"That was close."

"Yeah." Aleasha said puffing a little.

"How did they escape?" Jackson asked.

"Dunno." I responded.

"We should get em!" Ethan said making a small fire on the ground. I put it out and said.

"It's risky, the school will handle it." I said.

"Fine." he said in defeat.

"So what now?" Aleasha asked.

"No idea." Aiden said. I took a seat next to Ethan on a rock.

"Maybe we should tell the hunters." Aleasha suggested.

"No way! they would kill us." I said.

"Not us... we don't have to tell em." she said. she wrote a note and I used my air power to send it to their school. we heard hunters coming. that was fast. just then Aiden grabbed my hand and pulled me to the side with the others. I mouthed a thank you and he just smiled. The twins are really nice.

"Phew that was close." Ethan said.

"Yeah." I said to him. "Lets go to my mansion." I said. we got to my place and Aleasha and the twins mouths dropped.

"Oh my god! I knew you were rich just not this rich!" Ethan said.

"Lets go inside." I said.

"Hey Mum!" I said going to the play room. "I know this is childish but hey it's fun!" I said opening the door to a play center.

"Whoa!" Aiden said with exitment.

"Your it!" I said to Jackson before running. I ran up through a small flag maze to a slide to find Aleasha.

"Hey!" I said to her.

"Go down now! he is coming." I said to her we quickly went down and ran for it. while running I bashed into Aiden.

"Sorry!" He said running up to me.

"It's ok I'm fine." I said.

"You sure? Haha sorry." he said.

"It's ok, just run!" I said grabbing his hand. Jackson was coming we jumped down a random slide into a ball pit.

"Hehe!" I laughed so did he. I felt something tug my leg and down I went I couldn't breath. I started to yell for Aiden I saw his face again as he pulled me up laughing, next to him was a very happy Ethan and Aleasha.

"Thanks guys!" I said sarcastically.

"Your welcome that was funny!" Aleasha said.

"He is coming!" I said we all ran in different directions. I heard Aleasha yell and I knew she was it.

"Hey!" I said running up to Aiden.

"Hey, you it?" he asked.

"Nope!" I said. after a while we got tired and left the play room. After a day of fun I said bye. The zombies were gone finally.

"Bye guys!" I said to them. I shut the door and went to my room changed and went straight to sleep. what a day.

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