The Battle

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Just then I saw The wizard fall and a smiling breeze how had set him on fire.

"Haha he thought he was so cool, Well your not sucker!" she yelled at the burning wizard. Breeze was competitive. I got up and just managed to see Natasha getting up to.

"Burn out the fire, we can't murder someone." I said. Breeze took out the fire and used her air powers so send him flying somewhere else who the hell knows where I mean she could send him to china that's how powerful she is, people came out as started cheering for us and thanking us. It felt amazing!

"Haha no problem guys!" Breeze said smiling her head off. Natasha was posing and smiling.

"Hehe this is cool!" I said smiling at everyone. Wow what a crazy night! People where calling us Heros, I felt so happy..

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