Who am I?

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Aiden and I walked into the old warehouse. whoa! it was so cool! people looking all crazy everywhere just raving to the song. this is mad.

"Wow." Aiden said. we walked in. I saw Aleasha with someone who had a mask on.

"Punch?" Aiden asked.

"What the hell!" i said to him why would he punch me.

"No as in the drink! haha, I would never punch you." he said.

"Haha and no." I said to him.

"Ok, suit yourself." he said grabbing my hand and lead me to the dance floor . I moved a little to the song but I was looking at Aleasha. who is she with.

"Something wrong?" Aiden asked me.

"Huh oh umm yeah." I said to him. I saw someone holding something... a bomb they were all black I could see some pale skin.

"Ill be right back! stay here." i said to Aiden he looked confused. I followed the guy he walked into a dark room. I asked someone for a invisible cloak, like everyone has one. I used it a flew above him.

I saw him disappear. I fell. the cloak was gone. I stood there with t hands by my said I was scared.

"Hello?" I yelled. No answer. I looked around but I couldn't find the door. I started to run my hands of the edges. I was underground. I felt rock. I made some fire as a light. it was a massive circular room. the edges rock no door no nothing.

"Where are you!!!" I yelled. I heard a low raspy voice.

"Where is who?" He asked.

"You!" I yelled.

"Who is you?" It asked.

"What? I don't know." I whispered. it heard me. my voice was shaky.

"What am I? want a hint?" it asked.

"Y-yes." I said.

"I'm not here..." it said. "WhO am I?" it asked.

"I-I don't know." I whispered shakily.

"Who am I?" it asked a but more firmer.

"I don't know." I said.

"WHO AM I!" it yelled. I jumped back. I didn't respond. I was scared to death. I tried using my earth powers to get me out of this area.

"Nice try, that's metal, who am i?" it asked again.

"A ghost?" I asked.

"WHO AM I!!!!!!!!!" now it yelled but added in a roar. I jumped back. I felt a tear run down my cheek. my hands were shaking like crazy and I felt unbalanced.

-------NAT POV-------

I was partying like crazy with Sky! Scott was off with some friends.

"Whoop whoop!" sky yelled. haha were having the time of our lives.

"D D D D DROP THE BASS!" everyone yelled. then the breakdown.

"Yeaaaaaaaaaaah!" I yelled.

"Haha aye aye aye wooooo!" Sky yelled. Soon it was back to normal music. sky and I walked over to Ryder and Scott.

"Hey!" I said giving Scott a small kiss.

"Hey." he said back to me.

"No kiss for me?" Ryder asked. He is so goofy and sarcastic. It would be hard to get a kiss from Sky she is so fancy.

"Hmmm no." she said with a smirk.

"Aww ok." he said. sky took a seat next to Ryder. they were on a table. Scott and I say down to.

"Epic party huh?" Scott asked.

"Yeah wonder who threw it." I asked.

"Didn't you?" Sky asked with confusion.

"No, I got told to come and invite the school... I think it was probably the school gossip queen." I said.

"Yeah, Salika, she has to be the one. I love that girl! always so happy." Sky said.

"But you love me more." Ryder said putting his arm around her. She just smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Ill get us some fries." Scott said getting up.

"Ill come with!" Ryder said.

"Tah you can never keep em apart." sky said.

"Haha yeah." I said to her.

"So, How's things with you and Scott going?" sky asked me.

"Good, what about you." I asked her.

"Oh terrible! we broke up." sky did sarcastically.

"Looks like you've been spending to much time near Ryder and his goofy sarcasm." I said to her as a joke.

"Hahahah!" she said with a laugh.

"Your laugh is so cute." Ryder said coming back. it's true Sky's laugh is so high and contagious. it is very cute. I grabbed some fries and started eating as did everyone else. I noticed Aiden coming towards us.

"Breeze left and i cant find her she is not picking up her phone he walked into that hall I'm getting worried." he said.

"It's ok we're on it just lead us to the place." Scott said.


"What do you want from me?" i whispered.

"I want you." he said.

"What?" I asked.

"What what?" he asked.

"What as in what did you mean?" I asked.

"Who is you?" he asked.

"You!" I yelled then I realized this had been going on for ages he had brought everything I said back to this same topic.

"Who am I?" he asked.

I finally got it...

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