Mission Done Well

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We walked into what seemed like the main office.

"Umm this is creepy!" I said all is these pictures of our kind dead on the wall scared the crap out of me! I was starting to freak out just then Aiden grabbed my hand.

"It's ok, you could take em down any day." he said.

"Guys!" Nat whispered just then he pulled me down next to him and we here foot steps.

"Who's there!" someone yelled. "tah nasty teenage kids!" they yelled again before walking off.

"Thanks." I said to him. I released my hand and walked over the laptop. we took all the information and left.

"Never again!" I yelled running towards our area. That was so creepy! lucky I had my friends with me.

"Haha you were so scared!" Jackson said to me.

"Ha.Ha." I said to him sarcastically.

"So now what? it's only 6." Aiden said.

"We should go and see what was on the computer." Ethan said.

"Yeah we should." Aiden said.

"Well we shouldn't be the ones looking at this. Here you go Mr.Bilenski." I said to our principal.

"Thank you kids." he said with a warm smile.

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