33 2 2

I walk over towards a building. I have had enough of this war so i give up. Right now i am with Nat, Sky, Scott, Aleasha and Jackson.

"Ready?" I ask as we are all behind a massive building. They all nod on the count of 3 we all run/ fly. Ok you may think were sissys but its scary okay? We are not the first teenagers to run away from this. Im starting to get really tierd now and i realize were all walking. I dunno how long we have been walking for but it sure seemed like forever. We all decided to sit down no one is talking i dont think anyone wants to talk right now. I never thought it woulf come to this, i mean i was a kid who had a "perfect" life i was rich my house was massigve i was born a rare and so was my whole family, great at sport and not to dumb, i imagined myself growing up, graduating, getting my first car, living a life i would of never dreamed that i would be sitting around a fire with some of my friends, not knowing where the hell my parents are not knowing if theyre dead or not? Not knowing where all my belongings have gone not knowing about the twins if he is dead! This is all begining to become to much. Ive seen many kids commite suicide by kids i mean like 10 year olds its truley sad but is this really what my future will be like? 

"Aye, try to get some sleep." Jackson said to me im glad i had my best friends with me. I nodded and got comfortable on the dirt. After around a hour or 2 i fianlly fell asleep. I woke up to see no one around me! I tried yelling their names but no one would come. Then i woke up again and i saw everyone stikll asleep. The sun was just rising. I sat there for a while just looking back at all our fun times. I remember when i would come to school withoput a care in the world just minding my own buisness, when i used to prank people. I heard movement behind me and saw everyone awake.

"Lets keep going." Scott said i nodded we all walked silently with only little talk. I cant believe myself im wosing out of a war? This is my people! and i choose to wose out? im a rare this is what i was born to do protect my people!

"Thats it im going back, either way we are going to die and im gonna go back there a fight for our friends we have lost! Aiden is dead thanks to them and im not going to let them off the hook for killing one of my best friends who i share great memories with! choose to come or not i dont care." i said before flying back. It seemed quicker going back maybe it was because i was running on pure anger. Once i got there i looked back, they didnt come. Why would they? I was walking back to my battle position. as i do i hear my name being called. I look to see skyler and that... they came! OMG! I run up to them and give them hugs.

"You guys are amazing." i say they laugh.

"Lets fight together." Nat says, i remember when she used to strut down the high school hallways. we nod. we all hold hands and walk yup to the front line.

"Well goodbye and best of luck." Skyler said before walking to her position.

"yeah good luck i love you guys." I said before walking to my position. It had been around an hour of fighting before i looked down just in time to see Nat get shot.

"NAT!" I screamed really loudly i heard a banshee scream in the distance.

"I love you guys soooo much and dont you forget it... *cough* I dont wanna die." she said as a tear came down her face Scot came and hugged her.

"Your not going to die, trust me Nat." he said with worry. I cant believe im seeing my bff dying.

"I love you Scott, and you guys as well... oh and guess what?" she said with a small smile.

"What?" i asked sadly.

"Straighten it haha that was alw-" then she stopped talking and her lips had blood all over them. then she turned to ice and shattered everywhere. I held my hands on my face... NO! I felt the tears freefall from my face.

"NOOO!" I yelled as i dropped to the ground and held the bits f ice in my heads then it all melted and mae a love heart then BAM it disappeared. I sadly went up to my battle position. i starting fighting again i loose focus for a sescond when i see aleasha with a rrow through her then i feel a sharpe pain and i see 3 knioves in me. I do a massive roar which gets everyones attention i hear people scream. I see my life flash before me i know this is it i know im going to die. 

"NO! I DONT WANNA DIE IM TO YOUNG!" I scream with tears falling from my face its all a blur but i see people around me. then im out its black. 

"Goodbye." i whisper...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2014 ⏰

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