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"Can Nat, Sky and Breeze Fiasco, Nova and Colton Zaliac please come to the main office now." the speaker said.

"Ok if you need to go Plz go." the teacher said. I smiled at Scott before getting my books and walking towards the office. I saw breeze and New kids ugh and sky.

"Why are we here?" I asked the principal.

"Please come in." he said.

"Mkay." breeze said. Hopefully she is over the whole evil thing.

"You guys need to be sent out of space, aliens are planing on attacking. you have tonight to pack. your parents have been informed this is a serious matter. no backing out." he said.

"What!" Sky said. "How do we know we're to go." she asked.

"Nova and Colton are space people. They can help." Mr.Cutler said.

"Ok." Sky said more relieved. I looked a breeze she was talking to Nova hmm seems like she has a new friends group. I knew she could never live up to be a popular kid. I've seen Colton somewhere.

"Hey, I've seen you somewhere. You play any sports?" I asked Colton.

"Yeah I'm a soccer player I'm the new attacker at your school." he said. I just nodded my head. we were still in the princable office.

"Can I like go now? I have a boyfriend I need to talk to." I said. he nodded. we all walked out. it was lunch so I put my books in my locker and went to Scott.

"Hey Scotty! Turns out I have to..." I said.

"I know. the whole school does. good luck ill miss you." he said.

"Haha ill miss you to." I said. Just then I got pulled into a class room. in there was everyone going on the mission.

"what?" I asked in confusion.

"Ok that gay I'm evil thing is over and we need to plan." Breeze said.

"My bestie is back!" I said giving her a hug. "So what about Aiden?" I asked her.

"I dunno, he isn't a bad boy he is a bad guy turns out to get to alpha him and his twin killed their pack mates." she said.

"Oh, back to planing." Didn't she know? everyone knew that!

"Ok so we will be staying at a hotel type thing in their city as representatives. First we need room mates." Colton said.

"Breeze!" nova said. ugh unpopular chick is gonna ruin her!

"Sky." I said.

"And there will be 2 volunteers coming with us, Ryder and Scott but they will arrive later. they'll be my room mates." He finished.

"How do you know this stuff?" I asked.

"It's on a paper." he said. I nodded.

"Ugh I think that's it I'm not really sure..." he said.

"Ok well anyway, lets go enjoy our lunch." nova said walking out breeze followed. Then sky and I walked out to.

"Hey Scott! that's so sweet of you to volunteer!" I said giving him a kiss. "You to Ryder that's sweet."

"I didn't volunteer Scott made me." he said. then sky came up and gave him a kiss. "Thank you scott!" he said as he turned to face him. I laughed.

"Thanks Ryder that's really sweet." she said.

"Hey guys!!!" Sam said she was a ghost she had sparkly white hair light blue eyes pale skin and looks human she could choose to go ghost she is a popular kid.

"Hey Sam!" I said.

"I just sent out a text better read it." she said before sipping her smoothie and flying off. she is the school gossip queen she always goes invisible and sees all the drama then texts everyone about it. Well she texts a few popular kids then I text it to everyone.

"I am so happy that your coming! I was like freaking out I mean I'm going into space!" sky said. she gave him a hug. Ryder had a huge goofy grin on his face. I rolled my eyes.

"I wasn't scared I could part without you." I said to Scott.

"You wish!" he said.

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