Partayyyy coming soon

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I quickly got changed into a ligjt blue fancy strapless one piece with a blue fake tail attached on and a spkiey head band, I wore white high tops and left my hair out. I am dressed as what humans think dragons look like. I came out of my wardrobe to see Aiden sitting there on a been bag.

"What the hell!!!" I screamed at him throwing a pillow. he aight it way thanks to his wolf powers.

"I didn't want anything to happen to you, about the hunters." He said.

"Doosh, that's so sweet." I said to him.

"Hey I'm going out with some old friends, have fun baby sis." Finn said before leaving. wow he is settling in fast.

"Anyway you ready?" he asked me.

"Not yet." I said to him I put on some dark blue to light blue eye shadow glowing blue lipstick and some glowing blue body paint on my arms the pattern looked a little like this- |\_>~/- it was jut a bunch of random lines.

"Ok ready!" I said to him. we got on his bike and off we rode.


"What are you meant to be?" sky asked me.

"I'm a ice queen duh!" I said to her.

"Haha jokes cool outfit." she said we were just re in acting mean girls. I was wearing a dress almost exactly the same as Elsa in frozen, I have my hair out and wore crystal heels. Sky gave me a block of crystal and I shaped them into heels. neat right? Sky was wearing a dress of gold. it stopped above her knees. it was crazy pretty! she had on some gold heels and a emerald necklace and jewelry. to make it she gave me some goald and I shaped it into a dress in under a minute. I can't wait for the party to start.

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