Date with Zombies

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"Hey!" I said to Aiden... by the way Aiden and I came along to help Ethan.

"Hey! Ready for our date?" He said with a chuckle.

"Haha very funny." I said sarcastically.

"Haha, where is Ethan?" he asked.

"Over there!" I spotted out.


"I'm so board." I said to Nat.

"Well I'm not, let's go." she said. we had been walking around for ages just then I spotted Breeze, Ethan, Danny and Aiden.

"Hey look!" I said.

"Hmm lets go in." Nat said.

"What no! that's so low." I said to her.

"Well I wanna hear what she is doing with popular kids." Nat said.

"Who cares, oh look food!" I said smelling something delicious.

"Sky?" she said.

"Mhm?" I asked.

"That food smell is coming from that place." she said motioning to where breeze was.

"Arg fine, only for food!" I said walking in with her.

"Good." she said breathing in before walking.


"So what's up?" I asked awkwardly.

"Nothin." Danny said.

"So umm hey." Aiden said more awkwardly. Ethan gave us a glare.

"Hey Aiden look at that cool arcade!" I said to him which meant lets leave em alone.

"Right yeah lets check it out!" he said playing along. The second we or there I say on a motor bike facing him and he listened to the convo and told me what they said since werewolves have super hearing.

"Ok they are just talking about school, oh Ethan mentioned me! And told Danny who you were and you are our best friend... Danny plays soccer." he said.

"I know Danny is our goalie." I said to him I got board and went into a room with zombies painted on the door.

"Whoa!" I said "this is so cool!" it was a game with robotic zombies and I could use my powers or a gun to take em down. Then Aiden came in.

"Thanks for ditching me! Wow this is cool. lets play." he said clicking the start button on the wall. Zombies started coming and we started shooting soon something happened...

"I'm out of ammo!" I said.

"Me to! Time to wolf out!" He said.

"Time to umm arg time for some Elemental destruction!" I said trying think of something cool to say he chuckled and laughed a bit. we started using our powers. He was clawing and setting things on fire while I was throwing boulders and shooting spikes from the ground I was also setting them on fire and I flew on top of them so I couldn't get hurt. it was fun until Aiden 'died'

"Good one!" I said to him with a chuckle. just then the lights turned on and the 'Zombies' disappeared. I helped him up.

"Lets go back to them." I said.

"Haha yeah your probably right, lets go." he replied. Once we got there I noticed they had left and there was a note saying...

Thanks but we are finished eating, didn't want to interrupted your zombies game. Date went well... for all of us!

-E dog!!!!

"Haha E dog." I said with a chuckle.

"Haha who made that nick name?" Aiden asked.

"I dunno I think we did!" I laughed.

"We must of been hella drunk!" he said as a joke.

"Bro I don't drink." i said.

"Haha damn right ya dont! anyway need a ride home?" he asked.

"Nah I'm fine my bike is right here." I said getting onto my bike.

"Ok cool... wait is that you sister and Nat?" he asked I looked inside it is them.

"Huh what a coincidence!" I said with a chuckle.

"Mhm." he said unsure.

"Well cya tomorrow!" I said to him as I got on my bike and rode back home.

"Hey I'm home!" I yelled as I went upstairs to my room I checked my phone to see Jackson had messaged me.


I got home and walked straight upstairs. I had forgotten my phone at home so I was expecting to see notifications it turned out that Nat ha texted me like one hundred times saying 'oi' lol that was like our thing! So I texted back 'oi' as well a lot of times. I went onto my balcony and sat on the white bean bag and looked at the view. The night sky was beautiful... Just like me! Then I heard someone yell a "WWOOOOOOO!" I looked down to see some fat Bogan all drunk in a car he was about to crash into another car! Holly crap! I quickly made a stone wall in between them. the drunk dude crashed into in. Serves that fatty right! I though I myself. next to my balcony I saw Breeze come onto hers.

"Don't worry just some drunk faggot!" I yelled to her balcony.

"Oh ok!" She yelled back. she smiled and went back into her room. I decided to some reading. I'm to fancy for that party down town. I mean heaps of people sweaty and drunk uh gross! I may be rich popular chick but I'm to fancy! Like that is to low.

Once it was getting really late I went back inside slipped into my silk pajamas and layed down in my round cream bed. my room was really big around the same size as Breeze's just a bit bigger. I had shelves on one wall that had super expensive shoes and jewelry on it, there was a large white dressing table, a walk in wardrobe a white desk with my studying things and my laptop and phone charging, I had glass seats with a small glass table in one corner of my room and I had a circular cream bed. I had a baby blue carpet. I also had a on sweet. I'm so sleepy.

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