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I was wearing a liver pool soccer

Top with some liver pool soccer Shia and a liver pool scarf with red high tops. My hair was left out.

"Hey! I can't wait! this is gonna be so cool!" I said to Jackson getting into his car, it was to cold to take my bike.

"Haha yeah it is." he said.

"What if we get to meet the players!" I said getting really happy.

"Calm down Breeze, try not to set my car on fire." he said with a chuckle. my phone started ringing.

"Who is it?" Jackson asked.

"My sister, hey... ok yep, congrats! omg that is so cool! Ok I gotta go bye!" I said.

"What did she say?" he asked.

"She aced her Maths test, she used to fail Maths and now she got an A+ I mean all she did was study like all the time. I'm happy for her." I said to him.

"Oh cool congrats." he said with a smile.

"How much longer?" I asked him.

"Not that much, just chill ill put some music on." he said. we started singing along and dancing in our seats until we finally got there.

"Hey guys!" I said to the twins.

"Hey, glad you guys made it, lets go!" Aiden said.

"Yay!" I said jumping around.

"Here are our seats." Ethan said.

"Wow front row!" I said. I took a sip of my coke, I needed some caffeine. the match started and we watched it I was yelling and having so much fun until it was a tie, Liverpool needed one more goal.

"Come on!" I said.

"Chill Breeze." Aiden said.

"YEEEEESSSSSS!" I yelled as Liverpool got the goal. I jumped onto Jackson and gave him a hug.

"They won!" he yelled. I released the hug.

"Yaya!!!!" I said. Ethan (the gay twin) gave me a hug to!

"Hugs all round!" I joked. I released and the player came to me.

"Hey wanna try getting a goal?" he asked.

"Yeah sure." I said. I walked onto the field the crowd gone silent. It would be hard to get passed that goalie. I walked a few steps back. I slowly breathed in taking in this moment, the cool breeze brushed by my face. I looked up at the goal wondering were to kick, found the perfect spot. I ran up to the soccer ball and kicked it with full power. I heard the crowd go wild and I looked to see.... It was a goal! I was so happy.

"Yaya!!!!" I yelled. I walked back to my seat were people were congratulating me.

"Thank you so much for inviting us!" I said to the twins.

"No problem, you guys are Awseome!" Aiden said.

"Haha thanks." I said.

"No problem." he said in return.

"Ok so what do you wanna do it's so early still!" Jackson said.

"Umm a movie?" Ethan suggested.

"Sure!" I said.

"Movie it is!" Jackson said.

-Later At The Movies-

"What movie?" I asked.

"Scary!" Aiden said.

"Uh he'll no! I'm not good with scary movies." I admitted with my head down.

"It's ok we are here." Jackson said.

"Fine." I said walking with them. I took my seat. next to Jackson and Aiden.

The movie started it wasn't to bad OH HOLLY CRAP! my eyes were wide.

"You okay? we can leave if you want." Aiden said.

"It's ok, thanks. I'm fine." I said to him.

"Ok." he said going back to the movie. I hugged my popcorn in terror. I don't want to leave I can do this I can do this! I got this! I got this! I DON'T GOT THIS! I grabbed Jackson's hand and squeezed it. Best friends are always there for best friends. I got to scared and hugged something or someone I dunno who. I think it was my chair but I'm not sure. i fell asleep and had terrible night mares I woke up to Jackson shaking me.

"Wake up the movie is done!" Jackson yelled.

"Sorry I'm up!" I said letting go of Aiden... Aiden oh crap!!!! He is gonna kill me.

"Sorry!" I said to him.

"Nah it's cool." he said. awkward!

"Ok so we going I'm tierd." I said.

"Sure, lets go." Jackson said.

"Bye Aiden, bye Ethan." I said to them.

"Cya round Breeze!" Ethan said.

"We should do this again some time, bye." Aiden said.

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