Chapter 2; Vampires rule and war-wolf's drool

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Noah's Pov

I stared at the mirror as I checked my makeup, yeah I wear makeup, so what, sue me.

I made sure my eyeliner wasn't smudged and that my hair was styled perfectly, because you always want to make a good first impression. I then walked out of the hallway bathroom and walked downstairs to my fellow peeps.

"What's up bros" I asked as I walked to the kitchen refrigerator and grabbed a pack of o negative blood.

"Oh, the princess has finally come down from his room", said Carter as he rolled his eyes.

"Shut, up Carter",I said annoyed.

"Where's my favorite brother",I asked looking at Nicro.

"Har-har, you so funny", said Nicro as he glared at me.

Gee, sometimes the guy needs to freak-in chill out and stop acting like something died up his anus.

"Vinny-boo", I squealed jumping on him. Vin held me as I wrapped my legs around his waist.

" Get off Noah", said Vin said as he laughed.

"Then, who will carry me", I asked with puppy dog eyes.

"That's enough horse play boys now lets get to school",said Nicro as he grabbed his keys and walked to the door while Vin and I gave each other a look and laughed.

Vin and I are best friends we're the type of friends where words don't have to be expressed and we both know what the other is thinking. Oh shit I'm acting like Vinny and zoning out bad Noah.

"Noah", are you coming asked Vin with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and jumped out of the back seat and out of the car because I'm a freaking ninja bitch rawr,"Noah", yelled Vin.

"What, Vin", I asked innocently.

"Your talking to your self again", he said.

"Hump whatever lets go get our schedules since jackass left us", I said pulling Vin along with me.

Walking into the school I have to say was a bit nerve racking since some people stared us down talk about creepy. I pulled Vin through the crowds of teenagers and into the office where I guessed the office guidance department was. I pushed opened the door and boy did the unearthly smell of perfume fill my poor noise.

I glazed at the direction that the smell came from and their in the corner was a boy much younger than me with the deepest blue eyes I ever seen with white bleach hair in a Mohawk. He had tattoos on his knuckles and neck.

I turned my glaze when I heard him turn and went up to the lady sitting typing away. "Excuse me ma'ma", I said politely.

"Yes, how can I help you gentlemen",asked the women.

"We're just starting today so we need our schedules".said Vin.

"Of, course just a minute", she said getting up and going over to a cabinet.

Suddenly I felt a shiver go up my spine, weird I thought , the desk lady yes I called her a desk lady anyway she came back handed our papers and smiled. Vin and I then hurried out of the room and compared our schedules and sadly we only had Drawing, English and lunch together.

"Well, I guess I'll see you next block", said Vinny before running off.

"Huh, just great" I thought as I did one sixty and started to walk but me being Noah bumped into someone and that someone being the cutie in the office.

Author note_ thank you to my editor XxYoutube_StalkerxX 

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