chapter :9

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Vin pov

After our date my dad and brothers kept hounding me for details, saying that if the dog didn’t treat me right they would go and kick his ass, their words not mine. So today was a freaking Saturday thank goodness because I don’t  think I could handle another day of school. I got up from my bed and throw on a white tank top over my dark blue basketball shorts. Yawning I stretched my arms and went to my computer desk typing in the manga sight I used to read my favorite manga Fairy Tail and Attack On Titan.   


 Little did people known I was sorta a otaku. After reading the new update to my favorite manga, I closed the tab on the browser and went to my music player and listened to False Pretense. If anyone hasn’t heard that song they don’t know what they're missing. My fingers tapped on the desk as if it was a drum as I song along with the song.

After that went off Cat and Mouse came on, what can I say I’m a fan of the band The Red Jumpsuits. A knock on my door echoed throughout my room, “come in”, I yelled over the music.

“Gee, Vinnyboo who pissed you off”,asked Noah.

“I’m not pissed”, I said.

“The music says otherwise, you sound like you're going through a breakup”, said Noah as he sat down on my bed.

“Really..”, I replied but was interrupted by Noah squealing  when Simple Pain song called Take my hand came on. Noah then busted out singing and let me tell you it sounded like a hot ass mess. But all I could do was laugh and sing along.

I watched as Noah jumped off the bed and stalked towards me and started to sing to me, he then held out his hand to me and got on one knee. I playfully pushed him and chuckled,”you're such a weirdo”, I said.

“Yup, and you wouldn’t love if I wasn’t little brother”,replied Noah as he gave me a noogie.

My phone rung loudly through the room stopping me from the smart comment that was about to slip through my lips. I answered without checking the caller Id thinking that maybe it was Jake.

“Hello”, I said smiling.


Noah opened his mouth to say something but I just glared at him daring him to say something crazy. He closed his mouth and got up off the floor with his arms in the air as he tiptoed out of my room.

“Hello, Viny my beloved it”, said that deep hussy voice that I never wanted to hear ever again in my life. It was the sound of the man who broke my heart and tried to kill me, Seth.

I clicked the end call button and ran downstairs to where my dad was sitting reading a magazine which look like a porn cover. Gross, I shivered slightly before grabbing the magazine throwing it into the trash can.

“Vin, why would you throw your pap’s magazine into the trash can, you know Nico doesn’t ever let me have them and if I do he lights them on fire and says who pathetic and disgusting I’am.” “Doesn’t  he know how much he hurts his papa’s feelings saying that….”, continued my father rambling.

“Dad, Seth got a hold of my number”, I shouted.

He stopped and straightened himself, when my dad got serious it was a scary site to see.

“Did, he say anything”, he asked.

“No, I hung up before he could”, I replied.

“I’ll make sure that piece of shit  is taken care of , said my dad baring his fangs.

“Um, actually could you just change my number”, I asked.

“Fine, I’ll have it taken care of”,he replied sighing.

“Thanks”, I said walking out of the kitchen.

God, I hope he doesn’t show up like in some book where the romantic couple face a  conflict that almost makes them break up , no now that would be stupid.

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