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Vin pov

I felt sweat drip down my forehead as I throw up into the gray trash can once again. Leaning up I wiped the blood that was on my chin with the back of my hand smearing it. Jake took the trashcan from my hands sating it down near my bed side. Yes bedside I was moved to my bed so that I would be more comfortable.

I laid back down on my bed pulling at my covers weakly, seeing this Jake helped me. He pulled the covers up to my chin and tucked me in. I smiled weakly at him before closing my eyes. It had been a week since the day we found out I was curse and the only was to break it was another witch or else I would die. I felt the left side of the bed sink meaning Jake was laying beside me. I moved my head from my pillow to his chest.

"Vin, your gonna be alright",said Jake stroking my hair.

"Um huh",I said snuggling father into his chest letting sleep then consume me.

I stood in front of a mirror staring at my stomach but a small giggle made me turn my head to the side where a small boy about five stood. He had black hair with blue eyes, his skin was kinda pale.

"Daddy, what are you doing", giggled the five year old.

"Daddy", I asked.

"Vin, come one babe we're going to be late if you keep zoning out", said Jake picking up the five year old.

"What, is going on", I said rubbing my head.

"We're at the beach silly", said Jake as he looked at me confused.

"Oh", I said letting my hands go to my round stomach.

"What's wrong", said Jake putting down the five year old and running to my side.

"It's nothing", I said eyeing the small foot that was pressed up aginst my stomach", I said as a small smile slipped onto my face.

"Babe, you gotta wake up now", said Jake.

"What", I said waking up flinging my arms around.

"Come, on hurry up before someone comes up here", said an unknown voice.

"Fuck, okay come on and clover his face Allen", said another male.

The next thing I knew I was being blindfolded. I can;t really tell you what happened next due to me passing out. This time when I woke up I heard the dripping of a pipe. My eyes started to clear up making me shiver when I saw that I was tied up behind bars.

"Well, well look at you now Vin weak and helpless", said Seth as he stepped into the light.

"J-Jake and my brothers are going to come for me", I said standing shakily onto my legs.

"It's so cute how you think that someone will actually save you", said Seth reaching out to brush his fingers against my lips.

"Seth, he's here", said a deep voice.

Seth sighed pulling his fingers back through the bars, his eyes glinted as if they held a secret promise for later making me vomit. His boots clicked moving father and father away making me feel relive. My legs buckled from under me.

My face came slamming into the cold concrete floor. I groaned in pain, out of the corner of my eye I saw someone standing in front of the bars crouching down. The person had a black hood on covering their face.

"Please, let me go", I said weakly grabbing onto their black combat boots.

The person hesitantly saying sorry before they disappeared. No, I couldn't just sit here and wait for Jake and my brothers. The lotus blossom petals are almost gone which mean I was close to dying.

"Let, me out of here", I yelled as I banged on the bars.

"Some, body please", I yelled again before I throw up more blood but this time it was thicker.

My head laid against the cold bars as I wished I was again snuggling into my puppies warm chest listening to his heart beat. I started to drift off when I heard someone singing softly.

"Rest", whispered the person as they began to sing.

Author note- There still is going to be an update this weekend this is just another little something something for you guys.

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